Hi kathy, flowers are a very difficult subject. You need great lighting,foregrounds, and backgrounds , to make everything work well. Exposure is very touchy as well, always bracket your shots.
What i usually do, is take a few quick sample shots and view them on the computor, to determine what direction i want to go with my shots. Then reshoot with my intended plan of shots. Here is a quick example of a few shots i took..................................
First i thought of shooting the entire tree, but there was too much clutter around to isolate it.
Next i thought a carpet of blooms.............
Didn't like that at all.............no real subject in the image
Next i thought i'll try to isolate a limb............
I did a good job of bluring the background, but the image is boring, the sky is blown, and the flowers are underexposed.
I then started to look around a little closer and spotted a yellow flowering bush in the distance (thinking great background), so i lined one flower up to the bush and took a couple shots..................
Didn't do a great job of lining this one up and had a few white spots on the edges, but not bad. Now i'm getting somewhere.
Another try.............
Much better..................but i'm going to need a step ladder to line up the flowers without streatching my neck on my tippy toes.
At least now i have a plan of attack, and can go back with the equipment i need on a day with great lighting.
Hope this helps kathy.........keep at it and it will come together for you.