Sorry for my English first. I have read enormous number of articles describing camera exposition metering. Spot, average, centre-weighed etc. are among them. If flash is not used and complete scene is exposed under natural light, camera metering evaluates EV according to selected evaluation algorithm. In my camera (Canon EOS 550D) evaluation results are shown in a viewfinder under -2..+2 EV ruler at the bottom. I can reach +0EV simply switching a camera into manual mode, setting required aperture and varying shutter speed, for instance. The main idea is that I can see evaluation result in a viewfinder and correct EV number accordingly.
In case if flash is used, exposition divides into two parts: background (camera metering) and foreground (TTL II with pre-flash). Is there any way to see flash estimation results? For instance, I can try locking flash exposition value by pressing FEL button. Will flash estimation results be displayed somewhere in this case?
If I am willing to use flash in manual mode, how can I guess whether flash EV has been set correctly? Thank you in advance.