Was walking around town the other day and saw this corridor that framed up a beautiful sky and the nice building in it. Tried to take a few shots of it but was unable to give any impact to my shots. Hope that by posting it here I will get some input on how to compose it better.
1. What you are trying to accomplish
For this picture, I am trying to frame up the sky and the colonial like building with the corridor.
2. What you did to move toward that goal
I am not sure if I should also follow the rule of 3rd for this picture, so I decided to frame it like how we would frame the picture and put what I intended to frame in the middle. I like the texture of the wall, so I included a significant amount of it in it.
3. What aspect of the image you would like to see improved, and
I'm hoping to improve on the composition of this picture and the post processing part of it. I used HDR for this picture too.
4. What you feel your skill level is in this area.
My skill are still at beginner level in both composition and post processing.
Do let me know your honest opinions and C&C for improving this picture. Much thanks in advance!