I certainly believe you also have the right to do whatever you please, except I ask that you don't use Microsoft specific formats (like .doc(x) .xls(x)) that only enable vendor lock-in and unrightfully stomp on the competition. Various European governments require use of open document formats to prevent monopolies from controlling inter- and intra-government communication. It is so important that we stop using the Microsoft Office file formats because they are only effectively generated using Microsoft proprietary software. I'm not okay with using Microsoft Office myself, but I wil accept any open document format even if it is generated by Microsoft products.
This is one of my prerequisites for applying to jobs/internships. If they only accept a .doc resume, I keep looking for other opportunities.
Of course there is also the .psd format, and various other proprietary formats, but you can't get them all at once (don't quote me about .psd, I haven't done my research). Lets just start with the Office formatsThey seem like the most widely used.