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Thread: Mr D... For your eyes only....some secret men's sheep bizzo...

  1. #1
    ucci's Avatar
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    Ken Outch

    Mr D... For your eyes only....some secret men's sheep bizzo...

    Hokay Mr D. Nostalgic stuff, with absolutely no technical merit. Seeing as how you missed out last year, these are just for you! Hope you don't mind me posting these rather second raters. They were from lovely trials held over 3 days here at King's Park in Seymour last weekend.
    To anyone who was bold enough to peek into Mr D's mail, thanks for viewing. And before you fire off your usual helpful critiques, yes I know that are sadly lacking, for which I apologize for posting, and accept that they are prime candidates for the trash bin. Which is where they will go when Mr D has had his fill of our working dogs. Thank you all for letting me get away with this piece of effrontery.
    old ucci

    Mr D... For your eyes only....some secret men's sheep bizzo...

    Mr D... For your eyes only....some secret men's sheep bizzo...

    Mr D... For your eyes only....some secret men's sheep bizzo...

    Mr D... For your eyes only....some secret men's sheep bizzo...

    Mr D... For your eyes only....some secret men's sheep bizzo...

  2. #2
    dje's Avatar
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    Dave Ellis

    Re: Mr D... For your eyes only....some secret men's sheep bizzo...

    Ken I don't usually read other people's mail but your title was too inviting !! I reckon #3 is a keeper, particularly if you could get rid of those advertising signs - now there's a pp challenge for you.


  3. #3
    ucci's Avatar
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    Ken Outch

    Re: Mr D... For your eyes only....some secret men's sheep bizzo...

    Thank you Dave. And yes, you do present quite a challenge. I have added it to my list of things which must be done before I fall off my perch!

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Mr D... For your eyes only....some secret men's sheep bizzo...

    Never trust a Merino ewe!

  5. #5
    ucci's Avatar
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    Ken Outch

    Re: Mr D... For your eyes only....some secret men's sheep bizzo...

    Hi N.Z.Ken
    Don't want to 'ram' the point home about 'wether' or not 'ewe' can trust a merino. But if you do, you will be as a lamb to the slaughter having the wool pulled over your eyes and at risk of being 'fleeced' of all your worldly goods, with no 'muttoning ' about. Which will by 'shear' circumstance quite ''crimp' your style. At this point I reckon we will have lost all but the most seriously deranged punsters from having 'spun such a yarn.' Probably could have snuck in another terrible pun but one has to know when to 'weave' well enough alone.

    Oz. Ken

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Mr D... For your eyes only....some secret men's sheep bizzo...

    I just had to respond in order to get that last post off knocked off its 'last-post-in-the-thread' status!!

    But I do think the photographer is being a little to sheepish in saying that all of these are just for the bin. The third and fourth are worth holding onto, I'd say.

    I have to say that trials in Scotland do not normally take place with participants in short sleeves and hats to shield the sun. It tends to be heavy tweeds and/or the best waterproof gear available.

    Great to see.

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