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Thread: Is the CANON 5D still worth it?

  1. #1
    Michael8nuts's Avatar
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    Is the CANON 5D still worth it?

    Hi Everyone. I want to move to a full-frame camera. I prefer Canon menus, so the 5D series are "It". A 5D (body) can be had for about $800 +/- a bit. is it still worth buying, or should I spend the extra $1000 and get a 5D Mark2?

    OR ...... stay with a DX body and upgrade to high-end lenses ????
    Last edited by Michael8nuts; 3rd April 2012 at 04:44 PM.

  2. #2

  3. #3

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    Re: Is the CANON 5D still worth it?

    If the $ is your only concern.. u can and will get good images whit the 5D .. but the Mk2 is a better camera.

  4. #4
    docchung's Avatar
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    Re: Is the CANON 5D still worth it?

    The 5D MK II is good - I used it for the past 2 years.
    I just got the Mk III - never been happier.

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Is the CANON 5D still worth it?


    I think that your query might be answered best with questions. Perhaps members might be able to better advise you if they know the following:

    What camera and lens are you shooting with now?

    What are the downsides of your present gear?

    What type of quality increase are you looking for in the full frame camera?

    What lens would you expect to use on the 5D?

    Finally, what types of subjects do you expect to be shooting with the full frame camera?

  6. #6
    Michael8nuts's Avatar
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    Re: Is the CANON 5D still worth it?

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post

    I think that your query might be answered best with questions. Perhaps members might be able to better advise you if they know the following:

    What camera and lens are you shooting with now?
    Nikon D40/18-55 IS

    What are the downsides of your present gear?
    slow lens (don't like slower than 2.8); small viewfinder

    What type of quality increase are you looking for in the full frame camera?
    sharpness; for enlargements of 30x20 to 40x60

    What lens would you expect to use on the 5D?
    not sure yet ... possibly Primes

    Finally, what types of subjects do you expect to be shooting with the full frame camera?
    no sports ..... architecture/landscapes/macro

    I have no major issues with the D40,though I prefer Canon menus, ergonomics and the 60D is the only DSLR that fits my hands. Nevertheless, I was thinking that a FF camera would be better for making large enlargements (???) Naturally, it would be great if I could spend all that money on high-end DX lenses instead of going to a FF system. For the price of a 5D2, I can buy 2 nice DX Primes ... maybe even three.
    Last edited by Michael8nuts; 3rd April 2012 at 04:57 PM.

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Is the CANON 5D still worth it?

    Remembering that the original 5D came out in 2005, you are looking at some very old technology. From an image standpoint, the dynamic range of that generation is one thing that would be something that I would have to think about long and hard. I had a really hard look at the 5D at the time but stuck to film (and a point & shoot) because I judged the technlogy "not quite ready for prime time".

    I moved to a DSLR in 2009, but stuck to a crop frame sensor (but bought full frame lenses) not so much because the technology was not mature enough from a quality standpoint, but rather that the full frame wasn't worth the premium price at the time, at least not for my needs. I knew that I would be switching for full frame eventually, hence direction on buying lenses for and getting ready for my next camera upgrade. My next body (it's on order, but hasn't shipped yet) is going to be full-frame.

    I guess if I were in your shoes, is to ask myself what the full-frame is going to do for you. I personally am looking forward to shooting our of a real full-sized viewfinder again. as that is one thing I never liked about the crop-frame camera. From a pure image quality standpoint, I suspect a current generation crop-frame will get you better IQ than the older full-frame model.

    I'm installing a large hard-disk on my computer this coming weekend to store those larger files...

  8. #8
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Is the CANON 5D still worth it?

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    From a pure image quality standpoint, I suspect a current generation crop-frame will get you better IQ than the older full-frame model.
    This is something that I would consider also and honestly don't know the answer. I know that I am able to get very good to excellent image quality using a 1.6x Canon (40D and 7D) camera with top-line lenses. But, I have not done any blow-ups over 13x19" (because that is the maximum size my Canon Pixma Pro 9000 Mk-ii will print).

    However, I feel pretty certain that you are not achieving top image quality from your present gear. The kit lenses of all makes are marvels at what they offer for the price but, are not the highest grade lenses available with the best image quality.

    One of the reasons that I have remained with the Canon 1.6x format is the 17-55mm f/2.8 IS lens which is one of the nicest lenses I have ever used. It is expensive and many photographers look down at it because it doesn't include an "L" in its title but, from a versatility and image quality point of view, it is excellent.

    I might be just a bit hesitant to buy a camera which has been introduced 7-years ago. However, if it is in good shape and not worn out; it will be as good now as it was when it came out. But, I suspect when the 5Diii gets a bit older and some folks trade in their 5Dii camera for the new kid on the block, the used prices of 5Dii cameras might go down. It might just be worth waiting a bit. I don't think that the 5Dc used prices will rise; so waiting won't hurt you...

  9. #9
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Is the CANON 5D still worth it?

    A 7D has got more pixels than a 50D, and I have printed to A1 size via a commercial printer; and nothing wrong with it. In fact I think the 50D has the same resolution as a 5D MK1, but if I had a choice I would go for a 7D.

    If I had unlimited money I would go for a 1Ds.

  10. #10
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    Re: Is the CANON 5D still worth it?

    Hi Michael,

    As long as you shoot low ISO, don't need large prints and don't chase speedy subjects, it's a great camera. If you are serious about photography, FF is the way to go. Don't let newer crop sensor DSLR's play with your mind. Many pixels squeezed together on a small sensor will produce more noise than fewer pixels on a FF sensor. Newer FF cameras tend to overcome this but in turn they will produce more noise in your wallet... I own the 5D classic since 2008 and I put it on the best possible tripod/ballhead combo to try to get the most out of it (landscapes), so far, it hasn't ceased to impress me!

  11. #11
    Michael8nuts's Avatar
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    Re: Is the CANON 5D still worth it?


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