Personally I prefer the colour version.
Hi Jeff,
I tend to agree with Bobo I'm afraid.
For me, I think B&W works best where the image isn't quite so busy in terms of 'structured' detail, and has larger areas of even tones.
Perhaps I'll do a mono week for P52 one day
I think the problem here, Jeff, is that in B&W the ivy covering the right side tree becomes a little 'heavy' and tends to dominate the lighter texture of the leafless trees.
Maybe try a slight crop of the right and bottom?
But even then, the background building becomes difficult to see clearly without the colour difference.
Aw, now you've burst my bubble ! As usual, thanks to all who responded. I put the colour image in for comments on the conversion process, not as a comparison between the two shots. Nonetheless, valuable feedback, many thanks.