Hi everyone. I know I'm quite late to get started on this project, but better late than never, right? At first I didn't think I'd have time to post a photo every week, and keep up with everyone, but I've come to realize that I think I should.
I've come to a point in my photography journey where my shots have become very inconsistent, and I'm not happy with that. I've tried to reason and rationalize why that is, and the only reason I consistently come up with is that I've proceeded too quickly through my learning curve, and although it's fine to read lots of books, and posts on forums, there is no substitution for actually doing, and doing, and doing, and doing. So, my resolution for this project is to re-visit the basics.
I hope that you will be patient with me, during my 'wax on, wax off' journey, because when I say "basic", I mean BASIC. I would really like to re-visit everything that I may have 'skipped' over in my rush to move from little green rectangle to M shooting.
I am going to start my project (week 1 for me), with a study on aperture, and depth of field. See you soon!