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Thread: your thoughts on this lens please

  1. #1
    stardelta's Avatar
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    your thoughts on this lens please

    hi guys just wondered what you think of this lens i am after something to fit between my 18-55mm and my 70-300mm .
    the problem i keep coming against is in certain situations i have to jump from one lens to another .
    now dont get me wrong i know we have to swap lenses ,but i just thought this lens would give me a bit more scope for when i am out with my dog.
    thanks as always.
    one more thing guys ive looked at afew sites and can get this lens for nearer to £200,which i think is a reasonable price.
    Last edited by stardelta; 8th April 2012 at 12:08 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: your thoughts on this lens please

    Hi Stardelta,

    I have the Nikon version that you have shown on eBay and although mine is a kit lens, I do find that it suits most situations and only when taking specific pictures, i.e. portraits do I use my fixed 50mm.

    I hope that helps?


  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: your thoughts on this lens please

    The lens you linked to won't get you to the long focal length of your 70-300mm. If that's not an issue then go for it.
    Option #2 is take two cameras. A bit more expensive and bulky but for a few hundred dollars more will give you the versatility you desire.

  4. #4

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    Re: your thoughts on this lens please

    Have you thought about getting an extender instead? Sorry I don't know the Nikon lenses, but with the Canon 1.4X extender your 18 - 55 would extend to 77 filling your gap and your 300 would go to 420. Of course you would lose a stop.

  5. #5
    stardelta's Avatar
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    Re: your thoughts on this lens please

    Quote Originally Posted by Jamiepw View Post
    Hi Stardelta,

    I have the Nikon version that you have shown on eBay and although mine is a kit lens, I do find that it suits most situations and only when taking specific pictures, i.e. portraits do I use my fixed 50mm.

    I hope that helps?

    nice idea jamie dont think my wife would go for that
    and also it wouldnt always help .take this morning for example i was taking a shot and 55mm was not close enough and 70mm was to close so therefore i thought a lens that gave me a distance between my 2 lenses would be ideal.
    ps i was in a posiion where i couldnt really move back or forwards to help me out,just incase anyone thinks im being lazy lol.


  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: your thoughts on this lens please

    You really only have three choices;

    1. Live with your current state. Advantages - cheapest solution. Disadvantages - changing lenses;

    2. Get a second body. Advantage - maximum flexibility. Disadvantages - having to carry two bodies and the cost of buying another camera body. You will still have a 15mm gap in your lens range, but I'm not sure if you need it. There are days that I go out and shoot only with three primes, and I come back with great shots. You have to work harder, but that ususally means you actually get a better image.

    3. Buy another lens. Advantage - you fill the gap. Disadvantage - (with the lens you are looking at) - Cost and you will still find yourself juggling lenses, except now you are looking at a third lens in the mix. Alternative - get rid of your short lens and get something like: where you will only end up change lenses at the long end. Advantages: You'll probably have a lens that covers most of your shooting (my wife has the Nikon equivelent and this is her experience). Disadvantages - for pixel counters; more distortion than the others due to optical tradeoffs made to get a superzoom (something you will hardly ever notice in real life) and cost.

  7. #7
    Letrow's Avatar
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    Re: your thoughts on this lens please

    Glenn, the only disadvantage to this lens is that it does not have much tele reach. You will know what you photograph most and what length is best suited for you. For me this lens would be too short. When I go to the dunes with the dogs I want to photograph them and very often I will go for the longest length (I have an 18-200mm). Your 70-300mm would probably work best for me in that situation.

  8. #8
    stardelta's Avatar
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    Re: your thoughts on this lens please

    thanks for that peter i was using my 70-300mm today and i know what you mean i just think i could take advantage of the range of the above lens.
    i just think that it seems a nice range to use as a walk around lens,i keep finding myself needing to bridge that gap.
    i know some people say move closer or further away to suit the shot but this is not always possible.
    and also there must be a purpose for these lenses otherwise they would never sell any
    thanks again peter.

    also peter while i remember my 70-300mm does not have IS ,which i dont like .and causes a lot of shake when i zoom without a tripod.
    and as you probably know dogs and tripods are not always a good combination.
    many thanks again glenn.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Re: your thoughts on this lens please

    There is a review of the 18-135 on this site

    Basically, they aren't too keen on it and it does show a lot of variability. Particularly at 70 mm. Centre sharpness is quite good but the edges appear to be very poor, although better at F8 to F11.

    This lens was produced as an alternative to the 28-135 which is a bit more consistent but, obviously for the price, neither lens comes close to the L lens quality. But you will pay considerably more for that level of quality.

    The 70-300 is a reasonably decent lens so maybe accepting that you will need to change lenses occasionally may be the best option until you can afford something considerably better.
    Last edited by Geoff F; 8th April 2012 at 07:01 PM. Reason: link added

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