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Thread: and Lotus..

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Bucharest, Romania
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    2 penny for the guess..

    and Lotus..

    As mentioned previously, just the Car itself..

    and Lotus..

    C&C allways welcome,

    Thanks for viewing,


  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: and Lotus..

    Hi Leo,

    It is almost as if the car is greeting me

    OK, now I'll try to be serious - this is one of those shots where, once you've had the idea, you need to persevere and get it as good as can be.

    The primary example of this not happening here is the chap in the black shirt passing beyond the car, seen over and through the mirror support.

    Arguably the woman/boy/dummy(?) in the mirror's reflection is a bit of a distraction too.

    However, I'd be the first to admit that in a busy place, this might have been the best of several you shot, given the time available to you.

    The exposure, focus and composition look good though.

    Hope that helps,

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Bucharest, Romania
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    2 penny for the guess..

    Re: and Lotus..

    [I]Thanks Dave,

    You are right in most of things.
    I still do "have an argue" , with the "dummy from the mirror". Being in a fair, hold in military tent, it is a bit difficult. Also,
    My big problem was to catch in mirror his expression, without having the background in picture. I must agree that I didn't succed.

    Again, thanks for your comments,

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