My first post on a site that appears to be informative and from which I've learnt a lot already.
If this question has been posed before (a search seems to indicate otherwise) please forgive me.
There's been a lot made of downsampling to improve image quality in print - as least as regards comparing different sensors with different resolutions - now that camera resolutions have been improved.
Although I can see that downsampling will improve SNR for a given sensor by 'averaging pixels' I don't seem to be able to grasp how such measurements such as dynamic and tonal range in addition to colour sensitivity can increase when an image is downsized as they are intrinsic properties of the photosites themselves at any given ISO.
A well known site implies that they are improved on downsampling and provides mathematical extrapolations with no derivations to the formulae utilised.
Perhaps those on this site can provide ellucidation why this might be the case (i.e. the 'improvement' part)?
An informed article on downsizing covering these aspects might also not go amiss on the site.