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Thread: Belted Kingfisher...mid hover

  1. #1
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Belted Kingfisher...mid hover

    While they like to dive from a tree into the water after their pray, they can also hover over the water before a dive. This guy was hovering about 30ft up and was still a ways from me but I managed a few shots before he flew off. I then figured rather than show you 4 small bird shots that I would just put all 4 in one to show his hover. C&C is always welcome, though I am really just sharing all these birds. Best viewed large.

    Belted Kingfisher...mid hover

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Jack R Mann

    Re: Belted Kingfisher...mid hover

    nice again Paul

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Belted Kingfisher...mid hover

    Yes, a good educational series of shots.

  4. #4
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    Re: Belted Kingfisher...mid hover

    What a cool series...thanks Paul!

    We have several Kingfishers that are constantly working the river area behind the
    house here, and I love to hear their calls when the days are warm enough to
    open the windows in my office (about 50' from the riverbank).

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Re: Belted Kingfisher...mid hover

    Beautiful shot.

    Question: what are you doing to keep the underside more or less properly exposed against that bright sky. Many of my shots come out with just a black blob making me look for BIFs in less extreme conditions.

  6. #6
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Belted Kingfisher...mid hover

    Bobo, thanks and it really depends on the sittuation. In this shot {each one}I feel I am slightly underexposed but still a bit more than the camera said was good. The reason it worked was the shot was taken early mid day while the sun was still lowish and behind me or nearly. This helped light the underside. Before 11am and after 3 pm or so I find to be my favorite time to catch BIF depending ofcourse on the time of year. Winter time those hours are extended and summer they are restricted some. Other than that it really has to come down to overexposing the sky some. Oh and then a lot of files to the bin at times as well. This shot I was surprised to have all keepers.

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