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Thread: Layers

  1. #41
    rawill's Avatar
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    Re: Layers

    So much thanks is due to you guys.
    Your patience with newbies is encouraging, and I will "pay it forward".

    I think I was, (still am) a little confused. However, I believe when I click on the curve tool, I get just what I was wanting, a new layer. with the adjusted photo. And yes you can see the steps you have taken in a window to the side.

    All steps are undoable until you merge or save, and you get an opportunity to save the altered photo/picture with a new name.

    At the moment I am working on cloning out some leaves in front of a group of houses that are a bit distant.
    Quite challenging. Sometimes I have to make up what was behind the leaves.

    Then I am going to tweak the colours and put it in a mini competition.
    I like the shot, but because it has personal meaning not because it is a great shot!~!

    I love the colours that are used in Italy, the terracotta roof, and lighter colours on the wall, seem to go well with the surrounds and so different from what we have in NZ. We don't have any old stuff here.

  2. #42
    ldasignup's Avatar
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    Re: Layers

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    and before that a Sinclair ZX80 (that I used to do assembly language programming on) ... and before THAT I was programming on HP41c calculators ... and before THAT the Texas Instruments TI58 (not TI58c, darn it).(
    Sounds familiar. I can recall "poking" op-codes into the Sinclair ... IIRC, the Hex for the Z80 Return instruction is C9.

    One of my most indelible memories in software was running an .asm --> .com Z80 program after using sloooooow Basic. It was 100's, if not 1000's of times faster than Basic. I was shaking my head .... it can't be done already.

    Also recall using the TI58 (amazing and really, really low level, but powerful). Maybe the HP41c? Or not?

    And punch-cards on an IBM 7080 mainframe with an 029 keypunch in 1968.

    Sigh. And sorry for the old war stories.

  3. #43
    rawill's Avatar
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    Re: Layers

    I never had a Sinclair, I came along when the Spectrograph was supposed to be a good thing !~!

  4. #44
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Layers

    S.W.T.P and MSI with casstte tape storage then 5 1/4" floppy disk drive with FDOS and latter OS9 operating system. Wow it was just the latest with 32k bytes of ram.

  5. #45

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Layers

    Quote Originally Posted by ldasignup View Post
    Sounds familiar. I can recall "poking" op-codes into the Sinclair ... IIRC, the Hex for the Z80 Return instruction is C9.

    One of my most indelible memories in software was running an .asm --> .com Z80 program after using sloooooow Basic. It was 100's, if not 1000's of times faster than Basic. I was shaking my head .... it can't be done already.

    Also recall using the TI58 (amazing and really, really low level, but powerful). Maybe the HP41c? Or not?

    And punch-cards on an IBM 7080 mainframe with an 029 keypunch in 1968.

    Sigh. And sorry for the old war stories.
    Ah - the memories. I remember re-writing the video routines in the BIOS of the original IBM PC - and got them going about 4 times faster that what IBM had done Wrote one of the first programs to hide files on a disk (floppy - PC hard drives hadn't been invented yet) - wrote one of the first screen savers - and one of the first programs for encrypting a disk ... all in assembler. I couldn't understand at the time why anyone would want to use any other (and far less efficient) programming language.

    I had the TI58 (not the TI58C) - so when I'd punched in a formula for class I had to try and get between power supplies before the batteries ran out ... and didn't always make it. Back in those days I think the instructors assumed that if I was smart enough to write the program then I probably understood the subject matter anyway. One day I had to go and see the Air Force base doctor and saw that he had a TI58C as well - so we ended up chatting about that for 20 minutes whilst all the other queued up outside. He had a program in it for calculating percentage body fat which I re-wrote for him so it took up a lot less space ... could have made a LOT of friends that day if I'd tweaked a few of the formulas

    THe HP41c (CV / CX) were great machines (I have one in my calculator collectionm) - had the HPIL module for it and printer / cassette drive / aviation module / and even video adaptor ... and even got into assembly language programming via synthetic programming bugs/hacks (I have a SUPERB HP41 app on my iPhone - uses the original ROMS).

    THen we had the Qantel mini systems with their notorious 6+6 drives (6MB fixed + 6MB removable) - and nor to mention the informix data entry systems that we had to program the boot loader in hex each time we formatted the platter (had magnetic core memory as well).

    Ah - the good old days!

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