Well this is second part of my trip to Liverpool and I think more lively one.
first one --> My Liverpool experience 1/2
I've met great people in the UK with big hearts and willingness to be photographed (not as in Slovakia..).
All pictures shot with 50mm 1.4f
After my first interview at Stockport. I really appreciate these people which helps you with train schedule (at least reassure me)
its little shame that its blurred.. need to work on my grip
In the museum about Liverpool
One of my favorites. Because of these kids I didn't wanted to wait for the "The Beatles story".
But at least I got this.
postcard photographer
George Lund - painter ,
He is a really nice person showed me his paintings and studies. He got this soft colors for the cathedral atmosphere and his brush strokes were amazing. This talk with him made my day. Anyway I didn't really wanted to bother him with another shots so I just took like 6 of these to get right exposure. Colors are really tricky in this picture.
Do I look like a french? Because twice they asked me if I am from France.
Anyway experiment I just like the atmosphere.
This is what I love about UK people because the dog just jumped off the block and he was so kind to call him back and let me take his picture (this would so not happen in Slovakia).
I know its not in focus (shame) but I just like it. This lady couldn't be stopped and she asked me about the protest happening right behind me.
I know what you're thinking (finally some sharp one )
This is Iši-san, and his friend Iso-san.. Iso really. (Don't really know how to transcribe it in english). Anyway First japanese I know he was staying in the same room as I in the Inn. I've showed them around the inn and they called me to the pub. Japanese language is great they called me Luk-san , its awesome. After three pins and one concert and trip to china town to get noodle soup in the morning of my last interview I got this portrait. I mean the light was reflecting to the room and creating interesting shadows. Also Iši looks like Hiro Nakamura (or something like that) from Heroes (tv show) just 2 times older.
Giants in Liverpool.
everywhere was like this.. Nothing for me really...
First french I know. We met around 2am chilling in starbucks closed cafe with some spanish girl around us. I mean sleeping on the airport is really interesting with camera in the bag.. He is translator and he listens to some great rappers which I actually liked. After the spanish girls joined the conversation from 2 to 6am I was hearing lot of spanish mixed with english and I was really happy to spend my final time with them. This is after they reopened the starbucks.
I knew their names but now Im not sure. But they offered me a place to stay in Spain. So maybe in summer you will see my spain experience which would be so cool
Well this is all I hope you enjoyed and suggestions and comments are welcomed.