Hey, I did do a search for some info here, but didn't quite find what I was looking for.
I have been using a windows computer since I started digital photography years ago. I developed a directory and file naming protocol to help me find stuff later. For example, when I import photos on my Windows machine, I am prompted to name the directory I am importing to, and the file inside contain the same name!
So my directory might be called 2012-04-25 Hockey, and the files would be 2012-04-25 Hockey 001.jpg etc.
After importing (RAW) files, I then process with DPP, convert to .jpg, and then do any further processing with GIMP. I have tried LR4 beta, and.... am not sold on it.
I decided to try an iMac and while there are many things I do like about it, I am currently unable to maintain my file naming protocol without extra steps, and who wants those! So, does anyone know how I can maintain my same directory/file naming structure on a mac? Do I need to just start a new file naming protocol?????
Any input is appreciated.