Having been stuck on ugly military bases in Afghanistan for the last few months, I haven't had the opportunity to photograph very many things that I consider worthy of sharing with others. For the most part I've contented myself with photographing my co-workers (everybody does seem to appreciate having someone with a photography habit around). A couple days ago I walked outside at around 0500 and saw one of the most colorful sunrises in process that I think I've ever witnessed. Having only a few minutes to take a break from the work I was doing, I quickly grabbed my camera and snapped a few photo's handheld with the intention of trying to stitch them into panoramas later.
The sun was still below the horizon, but it was doing a very colorful job lighting up the clouds to the west. This was put together from about 6 shots. I've tried to reproduce the real colors as accurately as possible without overdoing it in post processing. I think I've got it pretty close (at least on my monitor)
To the east and the north the clouds didn't have the same light show happening, but i really liked the texture of them and thought they were also worth sharing. I've been tweaking these pictures in lightroom the last couple days and think I've finally got them how I want them to look. Anybody have any thoughts/critiques? Thanks for looking and reading, and I look forward to any comments.