Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi Kathy,
Terry has covered most things, all I can add is;
Your camera (with its small sensor) will have too much DoF and you may struggle to get backgrounds nicely out of focus, this makes getting the background as distant and plain as possible, even more important. SO what your second post suggests sounds good to me.
If your camera has a portrait mode, use that.
If you have some control; shoot at the widest aperture possible (e.g. f/2), which will help get shutter speed higher. However, when you zoom in, I suspect it will appear to use a narrower aperture (e.g. f/4 to f/5.6), but don't be tempted to move in too close to your subjects by using a wider angle to in order to get the wider aperture, because this will probably give distortions of any limbs or features that get close to the camera.
I won't give focal length suggestions as what's right depends on how much of the couple you are trying to capture in any given shot but I'd expect you to be shooting no wider angle than say 50mm even for the pair of them.
Good luck and as Terry says, enjoy yourselves.