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Thread: Another Falls

  1. #1
    Kaclarity's Avatar
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    Another Falls

    I Keep trying
    Another Falls
    C&C as always thanks JimC

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Another Falls

    I notice, from the EXIF data, that the shutter speed on this was 1/125th. That seems perfect, as what this does, in my opinion, is capture the power and energy of the water going over the edge.

    What I would like to have seen is the bottom. What we've got is good, but, although we just see the top of the fall, we don't know what's going on down below.

    We have a lot of space both left and right of the main body of water and those couple of little falls of water on the left justify the left section being there (they, by the way, really help make this image for me). And the rock face on the right is full of tone and texture.

    I just get the overall feeling that it's not finished and that we need the bottom bit stitched on.

  3. #3
    MilT0s's Avatar
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    Re: Another Falls

    In addition to Donald's thought I would also like to see a bit from the top of the river. The Z shape (-|_) across the frame is very pleasing compositionally to my eye.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Another Falls

    Hi Jim,

    I agree with Donald and Miltos, but would also suggest that a stop less exposure (use f/13), to avoid clipping, would be preferable.

    However, still a good shot and my first thought was; "perfect choice of shutter speed".

    I find with subjects like this that even with a good choice of shutter speed, there is a significant randomness to the compositions of falling water that if I shoot say 5, in burst mode, one will be an obvious winner and the others so-so. Do you find that?


  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Re: Another Falls

    Snoqualmie falls i know it anywhere went to school in snoqualmie, Have you tried walking in below the fish hatchery you should be able to get some great shots from below. well down jim.

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