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Thread: Old trucks

  1. #1
    tbob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Osoyoos, British Columbia Canada
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    Trevor Reeves

    Old trucks

    I would appreciate some opinions about this. I dislike the clutter of the trees and I am not sure it works overall as a concept of framing the farther away truck. I struggled with depth of field to get the rust in front and the grill of the truck. Maybe in summer when the trees are in leaf.

    Any other comments are more than welcome. Be as harsh as needed.

    Old trucks

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Old trucks

    I think the bare trees adds to the sense of desolation here.

    Is the sky a little too bright? I'm not really sure. But somehow my eyes seem to get drawn towards the left side window and away from the main 'action'.

    Certainly a good idea to shoot this scene.

  3. #3
    Rhoads238's Avatar
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    Re: Old trucks

    Hey Trevor,

    First I must say I love the concept of the shot overall. It is also very nicely exposed and has great textures and colors in the rust. As for composition I think standing in the truck bed and taking a straight in shot, perpendicular the seperation in the windshield may work better. I probably would have also finished breaking the drivers side of the windshield to get a better view of the truck in front. And perhaps tried using a remote flash in the cab to light the interior. although I'm not sure if it would work or not. I just purchased one myself and have been using it for maybe a week now. HDR may also be a posibility for the interior but I'm not versed in its use as it is not something I do often. one last suggestion is you could just crop the photo tighter to the truck window, like where that large scratch at the bottom right of the frame is. Hope any of this helps.


  4. #4
    tbob's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Osoyoos, British Columbia Canada
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    Trevor Reeves

    Re: Old trucks

    Geoff: I think you hit the nail on the head. This is exactly the problem I have with this, the bright sky and the diagonal of the window drag the viewers eye to the side window. Why couldn't see this is a mystery to me, but being dense is not an alien state for me.

    Jason: I considered getting behind the window, more to the left but two problems. One; there is a large yellow truck just to the right of the distant truck and if you think the window draws the eye. Two; there are wild rose bushes growing behind the truck. I cannot be within a foot of one of these devils without being impaled with numerous small thorns. I am still pulling thorns out of my right hand from this weekend and one moment of inattention.
    I will look at the crop suggestion

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