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Thread: Which Monitor Calibration / Profiling Device?

  1. #61
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Which monitor calibration device

    Quote Originally Posted by colnago69 View Post
    HELP PLEASE.....................

    I have a dell U2711 wide gamut monitor which has four modes to choose from,
    I have profiled it in the "cutom mode" using the xrite I1 display and colours look fie in Lightroom
    however when viewing the web using IE9 or firefox (which by the way I have confirmed are both colour managed) things look over saturated
    I have tried veiwing the web using the other 3 modes but all look the same
    My understanding was that I profile it in Custom as the monitor is only wide gamut in the Custom mode and then the other 3 modes are factory preset , and should look the same as a none wide gamut monitor, so why dont they give better results

    I am afraid I can't help you in this matter

  2. #62

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    Re: Which monitor calibration device

    I think your problem is that when you post to the web the web can only handle sRGB colour profile, so if the profile is anything other than that is will not appear correct. You will need to convert your custom profile to sRGB only on the file that you are posting to the web. Best to have a folder that holds a copy of the file that you are posting to the web only as these are sRGB and your other non posted web files are of a custom colour profile. One last thought you are posting jpegs to the web correct?



  3. #63

    Re: Which monitor calibration device

    Quote Originally Posted by Polar01 View Post
    I think your problem is that when you post to the web the web can only handle sRGB colour profile, so if the profile is anything other than that is will not appear correct. You will need to convert your custom profile to sRGB only on the file that you are posting to the web. Best to have a folder that holds a copy of the file that you are posting to the web only as these are sRGB and your other non posted web files are of a custom colour profile. One last thought you are posting jpegs to the web correct?



  4. #64

    Re: Which monitor calibration device


    I am not posting to the web I am just browsing the web but the colours are too saturated which is anoying having spent money on a new deluxe level monitor

    so in summary i do only 2 things, edit my pics, and surf the web

  5. #65
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Which monitor calibration device

    I use the i1 and have the previous generation monitor, the Dell 2709 and have found the colours on some websites to be a bit interesting. If your monitor is working well for editing, you can be assured that your setup is correct.

    The stuff you see on the web has been "optimized" for web performance, which means most of the images have been compressed and manipulated to improve the loading time as well as for "universal access". Colours, with the possible exception of some photo sites, are the result of compression and a restricted colour space. There are plenty of people around the world still on dial-up, and websites are generally designed to support the lowest common denominator technology.

    The bottom line is that you not should think that what you see on the web is using the same colour space that your monitor is capable of displaying.

  6. #66
    drjuice's Avatar
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    Re: Which monitor calibration device

    I prefer Colormunki and have since I went to a two-headed desktop system. Even though both monitors were from the same vendor and, in theory should yield the same results, they don't. So I started using it to get my monitors synched up and now use it across the board on all my systems to be sure my images "match up".

  7. #67

    Re: Which monitor calibration device

    Regarding ColorMunki-I'm reading that there are issues with running setup on Windows 7 professional x64 bit. I am thinking of buying it to calibrate both an Hp LP2475w and an Epson Stylus Photo R2400.

    I also like working with the pic's in Adobe Photoshop, which I understand there might be some issue with ColorMunki with that software application?

  8. #68
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    Re: Which monitor calibration device

    I use Spyder 4 Elite. After my old i1 display2 it is much more convenient

  9. #69

    Join Date
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    Re: Which monitor calibration device

    I use none, never and never needed one

  10. #70
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Which monitor calibration device

    Quote Originally Posted by JR1 View Post
    I use none, never and never needed one
    Perhaps you use an Apple and perhaps you are not very demanding...

  11. #71
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    Re: Which monitor calibration device

    Hello! I have been looking at the Colormunki site but I'm still confused. I noticed that they have several levels starting with the eighty dollar "ColorMunkiSmile" and going up from there. One guest said that unit, (The Smile), was ALL I NEED to calibrate my Monitor and then the inkjet prints will also improve but if I read correctly the next level of ColorMunki, (ColorMunki Photo), is necessary to also set the printer. So do you know which is correct? And, is the ColorMunki the best choice for color correction units? Thanks! "wimpy".

  12. #72
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Which monitor calibration device

    Hi, I don't use ColorMunki, (I use the Datacolor Spyder system). But I'm guessing that the advice you got, relates to :-

    a) calibrating the monitor (presumably the Smile)

    and then

    b) creating profiles for papers you intend to print on. (ColoMunki Photo)

    Arguably step b is not quite so important if you are using papers where the vendor supplies ICC profiles for your printer AND you are using the printer vendors ink in the printer.

    If however you intend to use an inkset in the printer from alternative sources rather than the printer vendor, it is sensible to create your own ICC profiles for the paper/ink combination you intend to use. I presume this is where the ColorMunki Photo option applies.

    For most people on this forum, I suspect they stick with the inks provided by the printer manufacturer, so profiling papers is no great issue as long as the correct icc profiles supplied by the paper manufacturer are loaded on your system.

    I'm sure users of ColorMunki on this forum will correct me if I'm wrong in my assumption...

  13. #73
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Which monitor calibration device

    Quote Originally Posted by Wimpy View Post
    Hello! I have been looking at the Colormunki site but I'm still confused. I noticed that they have several levels starting with the eighty dollar "ColorMunkiSmile" and going up from there. One guest said that unit, (The Smile), was ALL I NEED to calibrate my Monitor and then the inkjet prints will also improve but if I read correctly the next level of ColorMunki, (ColorMunki Photo), is necessary to also set the printer. So do you know which is correct? And, is the ColorMunki the best choice for color correction units? Thanks! "wimpy".
    The first step is to get your computer screen set so that the colours are reproduced as accurately as possible. Even the least expensive profiling tool will work. The one thing that the low end profiling tool will not do for you (likely) is to set the brightness of your computer screen correctly. I use an older, but higher end x-Rite i1 unit, and my computer screen cannot be turned down far enough.

    If you have a printer that paper manufacturers create profiles for, you likely will not need a profiler for prints unless you use non-standard inks or use papers where the manufacturer does not have a profile for your printer.

    If your prints come out to dark, you will have to do test prints with a brightness adjustment and as long as you don't fiddle with your screen's controls after profiling, all you have to do is set the same adjustment for the image every time you print.

    This is the "high level" view and if you want, we can get into some more fine points.

  14. #74
    dutyhog's Avatar
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    Re: Which monitor calibration device

    Going back to an earlier issue, I bought an i1 DisplayPro for our camera club so that we can all borrow it, and also have our projector calibrated. Calibrating my Dell monitor certainly helps me print first time more often.
    It also gives us a better chance of seeing our digital images at meetings the same as the person who made them at home.

  15. #75

    Re: Which monitor calibration device

    Some of the new 4K monitors are factory calibrated and come with a certification. In addition, they check themselves often to bring themselves back into factory calibration standards. Probably would never have to do your own calibration.

  16. #76
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Which monitor calibration device

    Probably would never have to do your own calibration.
    If only!

    To date, I've not researched 4K monitors seriously, though I have a plan of sorts to check them out next year when I think I might swap out the older of my two monitors.

    I had picked up on their certified factory calibration, but what does that mean in reality? Additionally, given that they 'self check' calibration and reset any drift, I do wonder if this is reliable, and more to the point, how it affects any external calibration. (I'm always suspicious of internal self checks until well tested in the real world.)

    I can't find anything in the Datacolor Knowledge Base, about their Spyder5, (which I use,) and 4K monitors , so have fired off the questions above to them just now!

    Will update this thread if I get an intelligent response.

    As I typed Datacolor responded!

    thank you very much for your message and your faith in Datacolor products.

    Please directly contact the manufacturer of your 4K monitor and ask their tech support to which standard they calibrate
    and how calibration works on their system, thank you.

    Usually, these devices are only factory calibrated and colors differ within time of use.

    Spyder5 is our latest monitor calibrating tool and of course it is also compatible with all the latest display technologies, also with 4K monitors.
    Last edited by James G; 21st October 2015 at 09:28 AM.

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