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Thread: How do I find my camera's shutter count?

  1. #21

    Re: Shutter count..?

    Quote Originally Posted by tirediron View Post
    You can, but only if the user has selected that option in the menu, and kept it, and even so, it rolls back to '0' at 10,000 images
    My D70 has 57400 shutter count so it does not reset to zero and ?Nikon will not release shutter counts on their camera!

  2. #22

    Re: How do I find my camera's shutter count?

    Quote Originally Posted by bubbasgym View Post
    I have a Pentax K10 DSLR I'm trying to sell on Craig's List in Denver and a prospective buyer asked about the shutter count. How do I find that?

    Most processing program, may reveal EXIF data, but, you have to look for it by right clicking on the photo and select properties, then scroll down. It may or may not be there, but it's worth a try.

  3. #23
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    Re: How do I find my camera's shutter count?

    If you run Linux or Cygwin for Windows, you can always install ExifTool and check there. With that application you can also manipulate the Exif information if you want.

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