Aww that's soo cute nice shot!!
Thanks Elayna. Yes very cute.
Someone was probably pulling me leg by suggesting submission to some magazine!
First, would like to hear what others have to say about the photographic merits or otherwise of these shots.
Last edited by Bobobird; 17th May 2012 at 12:19 PM.
Well Bobo,
They are quite good, but each has issues, mainly due to the compact nest and the fact that there is always one bird in front of another, which 'confuses' their shapes - not a lot you can do about that except takes lots of shots and hope to get lucky.
The last nearly works, at least we can see who/where Mum is, but even then; her beak is in front of one baby.
#2 is ok, but I know there's a hidden fourth chick, so I want to see it.
It is also unavoidable that the background is so close to the subjects, meaning that it's sharper than ideal.
Obviously a shot with all four gapes open would be best, again, all I guess you can do is keep shooting.
I suspect this agrees with your thoughts, we've seen much better from you, but with this, there's little to be done.
Thanks Dave, those were more or less my thoughts too.
You have pinpointed what I have found hard to to do. Each time I look at the entire set, there is this sense that something is off but not quite sure what it was.
One other thing probably is that the full frontal was not the position to take - to the side or at a 45 degree angle to the corner would probably have given it a bit more depth. Probably just greed wanting to get all. Additonally probably a bit late as the chicks were already quite big and should be gone by now.
Have a couple more with less activity which will be posted later - have roughly the same issues but "less is more" so are marginally better.
The 2 best shots were those of the singles that were posted a couple of days earlier.
Nice find and good captures. I do agree with Dave, some good points.
Thanks Paul. Sometimes the moment carries us away and I at least lose my good sense. hehe