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Thread: Sunset,Burns beach Western Australia.

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Perth,Western Australia
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    Steve Ward

    Sunset,Burns beach Western Australia.

    Hi everyone, you probably get hundreds of these sorts of images but i have been playing around with my nd grad an slow shutter speeds and wouldn't mind some c&c.

    I'm kind of happy with the composition but not too keen on the rest, I couldn't slow the shutter any more to get smoother water as the filter is only an nd 8...not a big fan of milky water I must admit.

    Not sure what to do as the sunset was incredible but I don't think i've done it justice.

    exif f22, 3sec, iso 100, @18mm, d7000 Sunset,Burns beach Western Australia.

  2. #2
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset,Burns beach Western Australia.

    You have a lot of great elements, complementary colours, and leading lines in this composition Steve.

    What do you think of a camera angle that is a little lower, a bit to the left, and a little closer to the green rocks? That would make the green rocks larger in the image and perhaps provide a stronger anchor for the smooth water in the composition?

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Perth,Western Australia
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    Steve Ward

    Re: Sunset,Burns beach Western Australia.

    Thanks Frank, yes i will try that next time for sure. (That is my new favourite rock)
    I do normally like to try different angles when shooting a scene but a small group of school children were coming up behind me and i panicked thinking they were going to rough up my smooth sand...all technique when out the window, I was just thinking, quick get the shot!! Thanks again for your comments

  4. #4
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset,Burns beach Western Australia.

    Quote Originally Posted by steve ward View Post
    a small group of school children were coming up behind me and i panicked thinking they were going to rough up my smooth sand...all technique when out the window
    LOL! Panic happens to me all the time!

    I am slowing coming to the realization that I need my post processing hat on and take time to visualize what the final image should look like before I take the shot. The more time I spend in post processing carefully evaluating the details of an image, the easier it gets to slow down and evaluate the scene before I press the shutter. It's one of the great hidden benefits of taking the time to learn post processing techniques!

    I find that I'm often "too soon old and too late smart"!

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Steve Ward

    Re: Sunset,Burns beach Western Australia.

    I agree, I think I will need to look more into learning processing techniques. I sometimes see something with potential but can't transfer what I see in my minds eye to an image on screen, that frustration alone forces me to shoot off all kinds of shots in the chance I might stumble on something. Thanks again, you've been very helpful.

    Your last quote definately rings true with me as well.

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Sunset,Burns beach Western Australia.

    Quote Originally Posted by steve ward View Post
    I sometimes see something with potential but can't transfer what I see in my minds eye to an image on screen, that frustration alone forces me to shoot off all kinds of shots in the chance I might stumble on something.
    But the important thing is to acknowledge that this is a normal part of the learning cycle. We've all been there, done that (still do!).

    Don't get annoyed by it (though you will). As you're doing it you're learning. And as you learn, things will slow down. And as you slow down you'll better appreciate the scenes in front of you and you'll start to think about how you can transfer what you're experiencing into a finished image.

    As your post-processing skills develop, you will find yourself standing there with your camera, ready to fire the shutter and you'll be telling yourself what it is that you're going to do in post-processing in order to make the image that you see in your head.

    Sure, you've got to work at it. It doesn't just happen. But if you do continue with the passion to learn, then it will happen.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Perth,Western Australia
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    Steve Ward

    Re: Sunset,Burns beach Western Australia.

    Thanks for the encouragement Donald, I feel that i've learnt so much already, just hope there's enough brain cells left to absorb some more.

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