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Thread: Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

  1. #1

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    Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    Hi All

    I will bite the bullet and upload a couple of photos for comment that I took with my Powershot.
    Please be gentle with me



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    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 17th July 2009 at 08:56 PM. Reason: Transferred pics for crit to new thread and add images inline

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    Hi Walshy,

    Well most of the problems with these shots are arguably not your fault, they´re down to the lens mostly.

    There is significant barrel distortion on both and chromatic aberration in the second.
    Both faults, with practice, are largely correctable in post processing, given the right software.

    In an ideal world, you needed to be back a bit more, or have a slightly wider lens as there are portions of both pictures marginally chopped off/off-centre.

    I won´t comment any more technically as I´m not on my normal monitor this evening.

    Hope that helps,

  3. #3

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    Re: Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    With a cannon powershot, you might want to check out the CHDK to squeeze more out of the camera if you havent already . Ive never tried using it myself, but then ive never had a powershot...

    w.r.t the pictures, ill mostly agree with dave, the first has some obvious barel distortion, and a couple of steps back would help the foreground frame everything a bit better. In the second the horizon looks a little off the level

  4. #4

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    Re: Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    Not realy a lot wrong here. Agree with the previous comments plus the first image has a thin strip of shadow appearing on the right side near the bottom, which I would clone out as I find it distracting.

    With the second photo I would consider cropping the top and left side to remove that horizontal partial top panel. I say consider because it is one of those try it and see decisions.

  5. #5

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    Re: Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Walshy,

    Well most of the problems with these shots are arguably not your fault, they´re down to the lens mostly.

    There is significant barrel distortion on both and chromatic aberration in the second.
    Both faults, with practice, are largely correctable in post processing, given the right software.

    In an ideal world, you needed to be back a bit more, or have a slightly wider lens as there are portions of both pictures marginally chopped off/off-centre.

    I won´t comment any more technically as I´m not on my normal monitor this evening.

    Hope that helps,
    Thanks for your thoughts. I think the distortion come about because I was using a wide angle lens adapter for that shot. I no longer use the Powershot as I have progressed to a Canon 1000D.

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    Re: Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Not realy a lot wrong here. Agree with the previous comments plus the first image has a thin strip of shadow appearing on the right side near the bottom, which I would clone out as I find it distracting.

    With the second photo I would consider cropping the top and left side to remove that horizontal partial top panel. I say consider because it is one of those try it and see decisions.
    Thanks for your comments Geoff. I have cropped the top left side of the second picture as you suggested and it has centralised everything in the shot and improved it. I will work on the shadow you pointed out in the first shot because since you pointed it out it does stand out.

  7. #7

    Re: Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    Can I edit and repost you first photo

  8. #8

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    Re: Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    Sure John. I have edited them since I posted. I did lens corrections and sharpening on both as well as cropping on the second pic after Geoff F's advise in an earlier post.

  9. #9

    Re: Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critiqueI have removed the barrel distortion using transform/warp
    removed the highlights in the foreground using patch tool
    colour matched the water left and right sides using curves
    cloned in a new top to the first arch clone tool/transform scale
    crop to improve the symmetry
    good photo.

  10. #10
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    Good effort John,

    I thought I was the only here who would expend that much creative cloning effort on a shot.
    Worth it though, nice to see 'the point'.


  11. #11

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    Re: Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    I agree with Dave good effort John. I have used cloning a fair bit but I not quite sure how you got the top of the arch. Did you just clone from each side until you got an intersection?

  12. #12

    Re: Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    To get the top to meet I just used the clone stamp tool.If you do not want me to post some of my work in your post let me know and I will remove it

    If the customer is willing to pay for the time I would spend whatever time it takes to produce what they want. I had a customer ask for a photo of the forth bridge without the scaffolding
    as this would have involved a nine hour drive plus shooting time plus edit time the customer took the shot and sent it to me,the edit time for this photo seven hours.

    Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    Both photo are from the same shot

  13. #13
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    Hi John,

    Now I know why/how you're good at it - plenty of practice

    Good result on the bridge pic.


  14. #14

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    Re: Two Canon Powershot pics for gentle critique

    Hi John
    Only too happy for you to post your work here. It's great to see what can be done.

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