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Thread: Paper Quality

  1. #1
    WJT's Avatar
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    Wayne Turner

    Paper Quality

    Hi there, Can anyone offer advice on paper quality for professional prints please. I have interest in some images and want to know which paper is better before I start talking to printers. I have already printed some and wasnt happy with the quality. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

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    Re: Paper Quality

    If you are taking them to a printer best check with them first what paper they use, some do not give a lot choice other then gloss or luster.
    So when you ask which paper can be more descriptive, are looking for photo rag, high gloss or are you asking about Canson, Hahnemuhle or Perma jet paper suppliers?

    Paper is very subjective I once brought a test pack of paper and printed the same image on all of them to give me an idea of what I liked, but you may not have liked the same one.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Paper Quality

    I would tend to agree with Paul's comment. The "commodity" printers are going to give you limited selections in papers. Costco, for instance restricts you to two different surfaces; glossy and matt. Speciality printers are going to give you a wider selection, albeit at a higher cost. You can certainly get "premium" art papers as well; tint, rag content, etc.

    When you say you were not satisfied, was it an issue with the print quality? The paper selection, etc?

    My personal preference for most of my printing needs is Epson Lustre and I do some printing on Epson Ultra Premium Presentation (Matte), mostly because I have an Epson pro printer and have been happy with the results. I've used other manufacturers including Moab and Ilford. Their colour profiles are available online.

  4. #4
    WJT's Avatar
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    Re: Paper Quality

    Thanks for your replies Matt and Manfred. I'm interested in which paper manufacturers make the better quality paper which gives a long life print and doesn't crimp easily. The paper I have used is hard to handle without leaving crimps in it and makes it less likely to sell if it isnt perfectly flat when framed.

  5. #5

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Paper Quality

    Hi Wayne,

    Heavier papers will crimp less, but not all framers like working with it (I prefer something in the 260 to 350gsm weight range).

    The longevity depends on a number of things, the least of which ISN'T the ink used -- so it's a very difficult question to answer.

    A poke around the following site might be educational ...

  6. #6
    WJT's Avatar
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    Re: Paper Quality

    Thanks Colin, I will talk to a few printers.

  7. #7
    drjuice's Avatar
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    Re: Paper Quality

    The finish and the wrinkling are the two most important considering the comments I've had back from clients. I've finally settled on Costco's Kirkland matte finish for most of my street fair pictures and Cranes' 90 lb 100% rag for laser printing. When somebody wants a large picture and framing, I get it printed at a local commercial photographer's shop and mounted at Michael's (a crafts store) or a guy I know who works at Blick's (an art supply store). Neither the photographer nor the framers take what I'd consider an inordinate amount of time (usually a max of several days each) nor does either charge an unreasonable amount for the task at hand.

    I am DONE with people who can't seem to understand instructions when they're delivered in writing and when I wait for them to read the instructions before I leave my USB stick and get the receipt.


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