Whoosh...sheer exuberant joy!!!
If I really search for them I maybe could have a few niggles about backgrounds but nothing to seriousl detract from the wow factor.
Great pics Steven.
Both images are first cless, Steven! Great use of colour, detail, and pattern. What is that subject called?
very nice. Looks like some kind of hibiscus to me. The second one is the better, I think--stronger lines, and very nice gradation of background color.
Excellent aliens Steven. Between MIB III and the oldies x-files.
Very sharp, well exposured and I really love your backgrounds.
Frank, Dan, Miltos thanks for the comments fellas.
Frank, as Dan said it's a hibiscus flower.
Excellent shots.
Good stuff Steven.
No exif data. It helps me learn.
Do you mind sharing your secrets.
Beautiful photos. The color is excellent. Bruce