CiC: Thank you for agreeing to take part in 'In conversation with ....' here on CiC.
Thank you for allowing me to share in the CiC community
Please tell us something about your general back-ground. What about your work history? Where you grew up? Things you have done. Anything interesting
Fortunate does not begin to describe my life. I have lived in Europe for a number of years (16 almost) not just the continent but also the isle. Lived and worked both coasts of the US, north and south. It has allowed me the opportunity to experience different cultures, and see many aspects of the world that I would have never seen or experienced had I lived in the same spot all these long years.
My brother and I did a road trip a few years back, using the autobahns to lap Germany, it took us 13 hours in an Audi TT RS to cover the 1600+ miles.
For the past 12 years I have been working for the same company, managing from 8 to most recently 140 people. Having worked for a number of years I find myself in a unique position at this point in my career. Currently I work an average of 10-15 hours a week. To take advantage of this experience I started with taking pictures and letting my creative side run free for a while.
And what about your family life?
Not to much to say other than happliy married to the most beautiful woman in the world and we have two wonderful kids.
If you were staying in tonight, what would you choose as one of your favorite books and/or films to keep you entertained, and what you be having as a favorite meal?
Technical readings work best for me, Ha... who am I kidding I like magazines. I have a book that covers the history of developments in my career, that I have read a dozen or more times. Every time I read the book I pick up a new tip that I missed the last time I read it. But I am a movie kinda guy, so Fifth Element would probably be playing, the editing in the movie is spot on and I have yet to find any mistakes scene to scene. I have a simple pallet, so for favorite meal would be a nice bowl of Jumbalaya, the wife makes the best.
OK, photography is a given, but what about other hobbies or personal interests?
Cars, and the outdoors. Combine the two on a race track and that is what I would describe as heaven. I used to live 1/2 hour from the Nurburgring, those were some good years. I enjoy travel, I have traveled over the Stelvio pass, Monaco race way, Zandervoort speedway. Climbed and Camped in the Alps, Appalachians, Himalayas, Pyrenees, and Rockies. I have visited 4/7 continents, one day I aspire to get to all 7. If time, money, and opportunity will allow.
Let's get on to photography - how long have you been a photographer, and what got you interested in the first place?
I would not say I am a photographer, I prefer instead to describe myself as a guy with a camera. I got interested when I noticed that I have seen a lot of this planet, and the things I have seen I wanted to share. The more I get into photography, I notice that it is not about taking pictures; its about explaining your world to others through photos. Unfortunately I find I am better at editing pictures than taking them.
What type of photography are you interested in, and why?
I live in a moment, I want to share it. I am not sure there is a better way to describe it than this; If we both started at the same location. I would get to our destination first. Not that I am a speed demon but for some reason when you would go to pass and there would be traffic, conversely there would be nothing but an open road for me. Its all about where you are in that moment, don't let it pass by, take a picture!
What do you hope to achieve through your photography - or what have you achieved already?
I hope to achieve communication, can you see the world through my eyes? The trick for me is how to best communicate it.
What you think of CiC? Any way it could be improved? Where should it go from here, in your opinion?
This is the most mature website that I have frequented in the last 4 years. I enjoy the courteous nature of the members. I have found it can be frustrating at times.
Because of my chosen content, I think many viewers don't respond to my posts, to me I would prefer to have them on say that pictures sux, and why it is terrible; rather than not comment. I have found situations I have bypassed threads for the same reason... I will work on that and take a step back and see what you are presenting, offering any insights that I can. Patience is a virtue. I once had a member ask about an image I edited, the inquiry was blatant; for me the edit was what I saw in the image that I tried to bring out. Perhaps adding a "help me edit" section??
Getting more personal if you don't mind...what keeps you awake at night, apart from Photoshop?
Pretty sure it would have to be a Zombie invasion.... j/k I sleep pretty well at night but better when planes are flying, the noise generated is reassuring for some reason.
I have to ask this…. What photographic gear do you own, and what software do you use for editing?
Panasonic GF2, Panny Leica 25 f1.4, Panny 14-45 f3.5, 4/3 Olly 42-150 f4, Panny 45-200 f4, and more tripods than I can carry. I use and Photoshop CS5, one of
these days I will load up GIMP and give it a whirl.
It's difficult to be objective, but how would you rate your photographic skills and ability?
Since I have been looking for feedback I have gotten everything from sux to spot on. Technically I guess I can setup and take most shots that have natural light. Shooting into the sun still escapes me. I have worked around very few lighted scenes, but I have the concept. The more I learn, the better I get. Not to duck out on the question but I really am just a guy with a camera. I really need to slow down, something caught my eye, I need to use the camera to explore and figure out how to capture it.
What will the digital camera be like in 2030? And will you still own one?
Just watched a YouTube video on the 36 camera ball that you can throw into the air that takes panoramas....I don't have a good enough imagination to forecast what they will be like in 2030,
but yes I will own a mainstream version...
Are you in a position to help or encourage others in their photography?
Get editing software, and learn how to use it, I have seen images that would be tossers, recovered, and turned into keepers. On that note you paid Thousands of $$$$ for your camera
and another for Photoshop I think both need to be practiced and learned. I guess to sum it up taking a picture is a process, that ends when the picture is on the wall, and includes many steps in between.
You often see debates on the subject … but do you consider photography to be art?
If art is the next logical step of science, than yes. I have seen people master the means to an production, to the point that it is an art. It is a beautiful thing to watch someone who has
been doing the same thing for such a long time, it seems simple or effortless to them, it is Art.
How do you feel about having your own shot taken?
Catch me in a photo I dare ya....the woman who knows me best (wife) has been trying for over a decade.
What single piece of advice do you think is most useful to someone starting out with photography?
A camera is a tool, how are you going to use it?
Can we see two of your shots that mean something special to you, and could you explain why.
Image is a rarity in my portfolio of online images, I knew exactly how it would turn out when I took the picture.
This next one is better indicative of how something felt while I was building it, and to that end is not so much an image of color, texture, or shapes, (though truly a composite of all)
but it shows how I felt during the building process.
At this point the flying ends that run to nowhere, the abrupt angles, and the colors mismatching all sum up how difficult it can be to build a geodesic dome.
Finally, can you give us one interesting/weird/silly thing about you that we probably don’t know?
Ryo Genetic is an online pseudonym. It stemmed from a bicycle (Ryo) that I owned years and years ago. In my younger years that bike and I were inseparable. During that time I would ride and hold my girlfriend's hand while she walked. (Genetic) me being the rider a gene extension of Ryo.![]()
Thank you, again, for taking part in 'In conversation with ...'
Thanks for having me, and having a great thriving online community of so many talented people.
Read all the other interviews in the series by going to this link