This is an interesting shot. You've got the blue/purple of the sky meeting with the tungsten from the street lamps and a fair bit of white in between. The composition is pretty great to me, too, especially the placement of the tall building. I can't tell if this was at sunset or after dark, but it really gives me a good sense of progression from day to night. Can you tell us any more about it? And do you have a higher res version anywhere?
I like everything about this picture except the overly bright intersection. It draws attention away from the rest of the photo. If you can tone this down so it matches the rest of the streets this would be even more impressive.
Great shot, however I agree with Ludwig on the street lights and them drawing the attention away from the rest of the image.
Your second version is great. The viewer is now pulled to the buildings. A very fine photo.
Bruce, you cannot upload high resolution photos to this site, however, you can link to them if they are available elsewhere. If you have SkyDrive you can link to the larger pages there, or even a full resolution photo ("View original" - copy URL). Get in touch with me if you would like more information.