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Thread: Capturing the Skagit Valley

  1. #1
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Capturing the Skagit Valley

    I went north yesterday and met up with Mike {Dizzy} Heck of a good guy. Anyway, we jumped in his truck and off into the valley and hills we went.
    We were hoping to find some birds but with it getting to mid day and rather warm they were finding cover. We headed up some of the hills to catch some views.

    We did get to see a coyote, wolf, several deer and a heard of elk. The Coyote and wolf were to quick and the deer and Elk were after sundown. Maybe next time.

    Ok Mike here are a couple to get started from me. Your turn. And thanks again for the hospitality. It was a good time.

    Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Capturing the Skagit Valley
    Last edited by jeeperman; 28th May 2012 at 12:22 AM.

  2. #2
    jjbacoomba's Avatar
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    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Love them!

  3. #3
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Thanks Joe, making ya home sick a little I bet. Check back....between Mike and I there will be more in this thread.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Jack R Mann

    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Reminds me of the many years i spent in North Bend, nice shot Paul. Haven't gone to the tulip fields this year?

  5. #5
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Thanks Jack and no way I am going anywhere near those fields in the Tulip season. lol Made the mistake last year just going through Mt.Vernon...took me better than 3 hours to go less than 10 miles.

  6. #6
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley

    First off, I want to thank Paul for taking the time (and fuel!) to drive all the way up here
    for the day. A finer gentleman you'll never meet, and a hellofa lot of fun to spend a day
    collecting photons with in the high country. Also need to mention he's skilled at getting
    a truck unstuck when it's buried in the snow (there's a first time for

    As Paul has mentioned, keep checking back on this thread as we both shot many frames
    of a huge variety of subjects. Unfortunately, we couldn't get the wolf or coyote to pose
    long enough for a portrait, however we'll be prepared on the next trip to bring the wolf
    in to us rather than us chasing him!

    I was a bit late getting to processing the pics of the day, but here are the first two
    (of many) that I'd like to share.

    North Cascade "Bowl" - tallest (shown) is El Dorado Peak which tops out at 8868':

    Capturing the Skagit Valley
    1/640s f/11.0 at 52.0mm iso200

    Later in the morning we hiked into a heavily wooded area containing several ponds
    known to hold variety of birds. This was the first one we came across, and I took this
    shot at about 100' from the bird. Not sure what it is (Paul?), but it's certainly packing
    some bold color. Wish it was a bit sharper, but at that distance and light conditions
    I'm pleased with it enough to want to go back and get a better shot!

    Capturing the Skagit Valley
    1/400s f/8.0 at 300.0mm iso400

    I've still got over 90 images to process, and no doubt Paul has just a few as well,
    so be sure to follow the thread as the best is yet to come!

    Last edited by Dizzy; 28th May 2012 at 05:29 AM.

  7. #7
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Mike that would be a Red breasted Sapsucker. One of our more colorful Woodpeckers.
    Last edited by jeeperman; 28th May 2012 at 07:15 AM.

  8. #8
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Quote Originally Posted by jeeperman View Post
    Mike that would be a Red breasted Sapsucker. One of our more colorful Woodpeckers.
    Thanks Paul. I thought that was what you said it was, but the Queen thought it was something I took the 5th, and decided to let you confirm what it was...

    Hope you got a good shot of the ducks, as none of my are really fit for publication.
    Apparently I was asking too much of the 300mm to reach out that far and still capture a sharp image, as they are just too soft to gain much detail. Hopefully next time I'm up there they will be a bit closer.

    Your turn...Capturing the Skagit Valley

  9. #9
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley

    They were a ways off.

    Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Capturing the Skagit Valley

  10. #10
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Guys can I come too next time ?

    You certainly have some nice country up that way and you've given us some nice shots of it.


  11. #11
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    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Absolutely Dave! We would welcome anyone to come out with us....seriously come one come all. Let one of us know and we'll set something up! Would be quite the jaunt for you Dave, but hey....never now where business or such may take ya.

    The one thing about is diverse. We have everything from ocean beaches to dessert plains and huge snow covered peaks between. It is a fairly beautiful place to live.

  12. #12
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Paul, your gear did a much better job of capturing those Goldeneye. I've got much the
    same composition, but not near the sharpness.

    Here's a couple more from the day. First is the "Government Bridge", a single lane
    affair that crosses the Sauk River. Quite sturdy, but *No Passing*!

    Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Don't know the formal name of this little chap, but locally we call them "Dippers",
    as they hang out along the shoreline in shallow water, bouncing about stirring
    up bugs and other edibles:

    Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Paul has got a MUCH better version of this bird, as he was close enough to it
    to shake hands......claws?...appendages?..(whatever)


  13. #13
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Mike, you got the name's a dipper. However my shot is not better. lol Closer maybe but I caught that nasty chunck of metal sticking up off the rotted dock, in such a way I can't really crop it out. Oh well.

  14. #14
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Quote Originally Posted by jeeperman View Post
    Mike, you got the name's a dipper. However my shot is not better. lol Closer maybe but I caught that nasty chunk of metal sticking up off the rotted dock, in such a way I can't really crop it out. Oh well.
    Had the same issue with 4 of the 5 shots I took of that little dude(ette?). Yep, fine shots
    they are of the birds arse, with his head behind the pole while as he was looking for groceries.

  15. #15

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    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Looks like you both had a really great time.

  16. #16
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Yes we did Bobo, thanks.

    Here is the best I got of the little Dipper just for laughs.

    Capturing the Skagit Valley

    And a little different view of the same bridge.

    Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Finishing off the day for me, I am sure Mike has a few more yet.

    Capturing the Skagit Valley

  17. #17
    Dizzy's Avatar
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    Re: Capturing the Skagit Valley - Parting Shots..

    My apologies for not keeping current with this thread, but an old nemesis
    has returned recently and daily life's just a bit more challenging now than it was
    just a week ago.

    Still, there are pictures to be taken and (eventually) processed,
    and these are a few parting shots.

    Capturing the Skagit Valley
    Introducing your hosts for this abridged tour: Jeeperman (Paul) is the handsome
    chap on the right. I'm the one that still has some hair left..

    Caught this one later in the day. For best view hit F11 and view large

    Capturing the Skagit Valley
    "Rains Comin' "

    At our last stop for the day (it was getting near dark) we were trying to weasel
    in closer to some feeding deer, somewhat unsuccessfully. As we were headed back to the truck we noticed that nice Moon hanging out overhead, so out came the tripods and we snapped a few quick ones before heading home to a baked chicken dinner my wife was keeping warm..

    Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Thanks to all who took the time to look and/or comment. Overall, it was unquestionably
    the most enjoyable way a couple of photogeeks could have spent a day. Capturing the Skagit Valley

    Last edited by Dizzy; 3rd June 2012 at 03:43 AM.

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