Bruce, single flower shots are always a challenge for me. Nice colors. I think I would like a little deeper DOF or a slightly different focal plane to get the stamen a little sharper. Also the angle looks a bit like you were looking down on the flower, I think a from the left or right slightly would have been stronger.
Having said that I am sure there is a tighter crop here that would work well but I have not worked it out exactly as of yet.
Paul, thank you so much for your comments. Bruce
Hi Bruce,
As Paul says single flower shots need a bit of thought...It helps to decide in advance what aspect of the particular flower attracts you and what you want to emphasise. I think Lilies such as this excel in shape and form so I would generally shoot them from far enough away to include the whole bloom and it's elegant lines. Other blooms benefit from a tight square crop of the centre area if that is where the interest lies. I don't feel this crop is working for this bloom as it is neither one nor the other.
It is a lovely colourful flower but the conditions you have shot it under seem very bright and this has blown the highlights on the paler petals a bit. Maybe go back to your neighbours yard at a shadier time of day to get the best out of it and as Paul said try some different angles.
Sharon, I appreciate your comments. I am a novice when it comes to flower shots. This was shot in very bright conditions. Bruce