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Thread: Rubbish/Waste/Trash

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    A couple of weeks ago I posted this and, at the time, wrote -"Over the past weeks and months a germ has started to grow in my head about a project based on waste/trash/rubbish (depending on which country you are in), recycling and our attitudes and behaviours regarding dealing with our waste."

    Well the seedling is starting to grow.

    I'd really welcome your comments on whether these tell a story. If you were putting together a portfolio around this subject, would you think these might be contenders for being included?

    The one rule I made (which is pretty clear, but it hadn't occurred to me before I started), is that I'm not allowed to move anything. These photographs must be captured 'as is'. It would be easy to 're-arrange' the trash to be more 'artistically messy'. But that's not allowed.

    The South Inch is an area of parkland on the edge of the city of Perth (the Scottish one). I live 12 miles outside Perth. There's another such area on the other side of city which, unsurprisingly, is called the North Inch. The South Inch has got lots of sports pitches. Families use it for recreation. Kids play in it. It's just a nice big green space.

    But it seems that on Saturday nights other people use it as well.

    Sunday Morning. The South Inch, Perth

    Canon 40D, Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @ 11mm. ISO100. 1/30@f8

    And then this one, like the one I posted a couple of weeks ago is, hopefully, about the sheer stupidity and ignorance of some people who can't be bothered to drop the stuff into a waste collection bin, even when it's a couple of steps away.

    Don't bother putting it in the bin.

    Canon 40D, EF 24-70 f2.8 L @ 68mm. ISO100. 1/30 @f8
    Last edited by Donald; 28th May 2012 at 07:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Bunty Plumchip's Avatar
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    Re: Rubbish/Waste/Trash

    As you may remember from your first postng on this subject- close to the heart here.
    What do I know, but IMHO, the first, although technically enviable, does not possess the irony of the second- not just in the all too common scenario of bins being surrounded by litter, but also because the kerbside bin appears to be tied to the post and the litter seems t be the very stuff requuired by the paper and card bin in the background.
    Since I saw your 'project' I have been spotting for contenders for rubbish shot of the year for my own little portfolio. Nothing lke as accomplished as yours, of course. However I can sympathise a little as there was a bin at the weekend in which I tried to put a plastic cup. Every time I lifted the lid, it ws so stuffed full, more rubbish blew out than I was trying to put in, and I was scrambling around trying to pick it up, only to have the same thing happen again!

    On the first, I prefer it as a visual- it reinforces the lament we make here that we wish they would have deposits on bottles like the did when we were kids- if the adults wouldn;t dispose of them properly, children could earn some sweetie money by collecting them and getting the 3d back on them! That is the story it tells me, other than the one that some people are unspeakable antso *******s.

  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Rubbish/Waste/Trash

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty Plumchip View Post
    ...... the first, although technically enviable, does not possess the irony of the second- not just in the all too common scenario of bins being surrounded by litter, but also because the kerbside bin appears to be tied to the post and the litter seems t be the very stuff requuired by the paper and card bin in the background. .............

    On the first, I prefer it as a visual- it reinforces the lament we make here that we wish they would have deposits on bottles like the did when we were kids.....
    Carolyn - Thank you for these comments. They are very helpful.

    I am feeling my way a bit here as to what will work and what won't. So, it really is, at this stage of the project, about experimentation.

    My next step needs to be making contact with the Waste Awareness Officer of the local authority (with whom my partner is actually meeting today in another context altogether) to try and gain permission to shoot in some of the recycling centres and maybe even join the crew of a refuse collection vehicle for a day.

    Ideas are starting to form.

  4. #4
    Bunty Plumchip's Avatar
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    Re: Rubbish/Waste/Trash

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Carolyn - Thank you for these comments. They are very helpful.

    I am feeling my way a bit here as to what will work and what won't. So, it really is, at this stage of the project, about experimentation.

    My next step needs to be making contact with the Waste Awareness Officer of the local authority (with whom my partner is actually meeting today in another context altogether) to try and gain permission to shoot in some of the recycling centres and maybe even join the crew of a refuse collection vehicle for a day.

    Ideas are starting to form.
    I have seen some fabulous images taken inside recycling plants, so if you can get access to that side, it should provide some very interesting avenues to explore.

  5. #5

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    Re: Rubbish/Waste/Trash

    Hi Donald,

    I think this is a serious project you've got here. Never knew you had a problem in Scotland.
    What about expanding this project to include all members of CiC?
    A thread all about waste in our respective countries. Could turn out to be very interesting.


  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Rubbish/Waste/Trash

    Quote Originally Posted by AB26 View Post
    What about expanding this project to include all members of CiC?
    A thread all about waste in our respective countries. Could turn out to be very interesting.
    I'm certainly up for that idea. It would be good to see what others come up with (will give me lots of ideas).

    Please do add any more into this thread.

    Here's another one I did a couple of years ago. And earlier version was previously posted on CiC.

    Bonnie Scotland

    40D, Tokina 11-16 f2.8 @ 11mm. ISO100. 1/125@f5.6
    Last edited by Donald; 29th May 2012 at 11:17 AM.

  7. #7
    Bunty Plumchip's Avatar
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    Re: Rubbish/Waste/Trash

    Thanks for opening your thread, Donald.
    I took this one back in February in a churchyard in Harrogate. I noticed this week several more booze bottles there, so when I am next due to pass by I shall take the camera and try to apply what I have learned so far and do it better.

  8. #8

    Re: Rubbish/Waste/Trash

    I was brought up with a litter bag in the car and taught to put trash in the trash can or else. I still use a litter bag in my car to this day. I think a great deal of it is people forgot what they were taught and thus their children really don't no any better/or they just don't give a hoot take your pick. Many places here look about the same if not worse.
    I was stationed in Wurzburg, Germany back in the early 70's and it was so clean every where you went, because the German Police did not put up with litter out of anyone.
    I think you have something there and hope it can accomplish just what it is that you have in mind with it. I will find an area and post it soon to your thread.

  9. #9

    Re: Rubbish/Waste/Trash

    Next to the pier leading out to the River Boat Natchez on the Mississippi River in New Orleans. This area looks as though it would be hard for someone to clean. Sorry it took me a little while to add to this thread.


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