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Thread: Barnsley Gardens (5-28-12)

  1. #1
    Digital's Avatar
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    Barnsley Gardens (5-28-12)

    I shot this pic of the Barnsley Garden Mansion 2 years ago. Would welcome C&C. Bruce
    Barnsley Gardens (5-28-12)

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Barnsley Gardens (5-28-12)

    That's got super lines taking us through the image to the ruin at the back. Not sure it needs those two trees at either edge. I'd like to see it with those cropped out.

    The one issue with it, however, is that I don't think there is anything that's really sharp. Everything looks a bit blurred (or is it just my old eyes?).

  3. #3
    Digital's Avatar
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    Re: Barnsley Gardens (5-28-12)

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    That's got super lines taking us through the image to the ruin at the back. Not sure it needs those two trees at either edge. I'd like to see it with those cropped out.

    The one issue with it, however, is that I don't think there is anything that's really sharp. Everything looks a bit blurred (or is it just my old eyes?).
    Donald, I checked in LR4 and the bricks on the mansion are sharp. I do see what you mean however. Thanks, Bruce

  4. #4

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    Re: Barnsley Gardens (5-28-12)

    I was also wondering about a crop, Bruce.

    So as an alternative to consider, just crop out the left hand bit of a tree and a similar amount from the bottom.

  5. #5
    Digital's Avatar
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    Re: Barnsley Gardens (5-28-12)

    Geoff, thanks for your coments. Will crop as you, and Donald suggested. Bruce

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Barnsley Gardens (5-28-12)

    Quote Originally Posted by Digital View Post
    Donald, I checked in LR4 and the bricks on the mansion are sharp. I do see what you mean however. Thanks, Bruce
    I do see what Donald means about softness, but I agree with you (Bruce), that the bricks are the sharpest part.

    I wonder if the shutter speed of 1/60s (at f/16 and iso200) meant that a bit of movement in the breeze has played its part blurring the leaves.

    I think the suggested crop may help the composition,a lthough it's not bad as it stands.


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