I was a member of a group picture taken at the American Maltese Specialty in San Diego, yesterday. There were seven of us, with our rescue dogs. The master of ceremonies told the story of each dog, then we posed for a group picture.
There were only seven people in the group but, the photographer didn't know how to arrange them so that he could get us all in! He would say, people, you are not close enough and then give a silly grin and wait for the group to do their own thing. After a few minutes, I took over and arranged our group. After all, seven folks, even with our rescue dogs, is a pretty small group to arrange.
I might have had an inkling regarding this professional photographer for the dog show because he was using a half of a Styrofoam picnic plate taped to his flash as his reflector/diffuser. Sure, that works! However, I would never show up as a professional photographer for an event with a picnic plate taped to my flash. Especially when you can purchase a diffuser/reflector like this ( http://www.ebay.com/itm/220980576819...84.m1497.l2649 ) for less than five U.S. Dollars from Hong Kong through eBay. That's kind of like showing up using a plastic supermarket bag to hold your equipment. It would work to hold your gear but, it sure wouldn't "look professional!"