Hi Randy,
for some reason I cannot see your Exif data. What camera / lens and settings were you using?
Can't wait for the Strawberries, not over keen on Blueberries. lol
Thanks for sharing.
Hope that the 'berries are as bumper up here in Ontario as they will be where you are. Would be a nice change from bugs/flowers. hehe
Nice shots btw, bit soft though. Have you tried sharpening somewhat?
I really like the tones and textures in the bokeh of these shots. However, I think being able to stop down a bit to increase the dof would have had more of the subject in sharp focus. Alternatively you could have used focus stacking in pp to retain the buttery texture of the bokeh. I think I would have plucked the leaf that was in the first shot as well.
I am also hoping for a good season for summer produce. Especially Hudson Valley strawberries. It is an exciting time of year for those who are passionate about food.
I can see it (using a FF plug in);
Nikon D90 at 90mm, 1/80s, f/8, iso800
Hi Randy,
I'd also normally suggest losing that other leaf, but think you get away with it because of the nice curve pointing at the stamen in the middle of the subject bloom.
If you do sharpen some more, apply that just to the subject, not that leaf, which is sharp enough.
Compositionally, I preferred the original placement, although it would have stood losing some from right and lower sides, say 10% off width and height.
The reworked image is just too central for my taste and now makes the leaf less valid to be left in.
Hi Randy,
Yes and No -
compositionally it is more what I was suggesting, but I feel it needed a little more space at the bottom, however, that may be influenced because it isn't the same shot as post #1 and we can't see as far 'up' into the bloom (which I missed when you first posted this in post #5).
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 5th June 2012 at 06:17 PM. Reason: updated/corrected