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Thread: Gt500

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    bracknell, Berkshire uk


    I took this photo last week at my mates my wedding, I was just wondering what you thought of it !!


  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Gt500

    Damien - My first reaction upon opening it was that it is a bit dark in tone overall. I like the composition and the arrangement of vehicle and building is good. You've got your self down low to get a good angle for the shot.

    I don't know what software you have available to you. If possible, I wondered about lifting the exposure to bring back some detail into the area underneath the car, which has gone completely to black. You could then take the brightness back down on the building. We've also lost any detail in the doorway. That could be brought back a bit perhaps.

    And depending on whether you have any filter effects available to you in your software, I wondered about using the appropriate filter to lighten up the bodywork of the car.

  3. #3
    DeKa77's Avatar
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    Re: Gt500

    It is wonderfull DoF !!! And I like it is taken as it is >

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Gt500

    Hi Damien,

    I tend to agree with Donald on the blacks being too deep. That said, this was a tricky subject shot under difficult lighting conditions and it has come out quite well.

    I'd have to add that I'd prefer to see it level too - it needs a small clockwise rotation to get all the pillars, door frames and windows vertical.


  5. #5

    Join Date
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    bracknell, Berkshire uk

    Re: Gt500

    Hi all, thanks for you comments, donald i have photoshop cs5 and trial version of 6 but dont know how to use it, so what you said went straight over my head, ive watched you tube clip over and over again and still cant get my head round it, if any one would like to make changes to it and show me what it could look it would be good to see what you mean

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Gt500

    Quote Originally Posted by damien View Post
    Hi all, thanks for you comments, donald i have photoshop cs5 and trial version of 6 but dont know how to use it, so what you said went straight over my head, ive watched you tube clip over and over again and still cant get my head round it, if any one would like to make changes to it and show me what it could look it would be good to see what you mean
    Damien - My apologies for talking about processing tasks with which you are not familiar. It is a learning curve, but one worth trying to get along. As you develop your skills you will find that your options to increase. But it's got to be done one step at a time and the important thing is not to feel overwhelmed by it all.

    You invite people. To do what I was talking about, you would need to work on the RAW file. It couldn't really be done with this JPEG that is posted here.

    If you have CS5 and CS6, I assume you've got ACR (Adobe Camera Raw). I don't use it so don't know it, but in ACR you have something called Fill Light. Take your RAW file of this image and apply some of that and have a look at the effect.

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