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Thread: Another car shot, any comments would be appreciated

  1. #1
    Toothtek's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Real Name
    Mitch Ward

    Another car shot, any comments would be appreciated

    Another car shot, any comments would be appreciated

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Another car shot, any comments would be appreciated

    The basic shot works OK for me, Mitch, but the problem is that you have used a fairly fast shutter speed (1/400) to prevent any subject movement blur and that has also 'frozen' the wheels.

    At the moment, it looks as though the car is stationary, but with mud flying around at the back. Neither one thing or the other.

    A very common dilemma which also causes problems with propeller driven aircraft. The only answer is to keep the shutter speed around 1/200; which, of course, risks other problems.

    Sometimes it is possible to blur the wheels a little, with a circular motion, during editing. But not always easy to achieve a natural look.

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