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Thread: World Trade Center NOLA, B & W

  1. #1

    World Trade Center NOLA, B & W

    This shot was from the river levee and behind the World Trade Center located at the foot of Canal St. I was trying to capture it without too much distraction from other things around it so I had to crop a good bit. Please I could use all the C & C your willing to give. I put the wrong image in the first time.

    World Trade Center NOLA, B & W
    Last edited by Carl in Louisiana; 4th June 2012 at 02:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: World Trade Center NOLA, B & W

    Quote Originally Posted by Carl in Louisiana View Post
    I was trying to capture it without too much distraction from other things around it ...
    As far as I'm concerned, you have succeeded. I like it a lot. Wonderful clear, strong and distinct tones are just what this sort of image needs in my opinion. Strong lines and shapes brought out by both your composition and your post-processing work.

    A very good piece of work.

  3. #3

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    Re: World Trade Center NOLA, B & W

    This crop looks very natural to me. Without the benefit of your comments, I would have thought that you used it to emphasize the height of the building rather than to eliminate clutter.

  4. #4

    Re: World Trade Center NOLA, B & W

    Thanks Donald and Mike,
    I got frustrated and should have walked away from it for a little while. The shadows on the right side of the building was what seemed an impossible task to get looking better for a lack of words. After I posted it I wished I would have waited and made another go at it. I suppose my next step is to start learning how to use PSE10 I have still not done anything with that software.
    Would there be a way to fix/soften the shadows with PSE10 to were they would look better? Could be I am missing something in the Nik software I just don't know.
    This was one I had really thought hard about hitting the delete button.

  5. #5

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    Re: World Trade Center NOLA, B & W

    Quote Originally Posted by Carl in Louisiana View Post
    Would there be a way to fix/soften the shadows
    Please be more specific about the problem you want to fix. Which area(s) of the image?

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: World Trade Center NOLA, B & W

    Quote Originally Posted by Carl in Louisiana View Post
    Would there be a way to fix/soften the shadows with PSE10 to were they would look better? Could be I am missing something in the Nik software I just don't know.
    It is certainly far too good to throw in the delete bin.

    Which shadows are you meaning - the right side of the high building, or the dark shadows in the building at the lower right?

    Either way, I don't think what we see here presents any problem at all. the shadows that are there are depth and definition to the image. I don't think you want it to look too flat.

    I'm afraid I can't help on PSE10 as I don't use it, but with SEP2 you could have, if you really wanted to, put control points onto those shadow areas, made them into a group and then just raised the brightness slightly to bring them up a bit. But, like I say, I'm not sure it's needed.

  7. #7
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: World Trade Center NOLA, B & W

    I agree with Donald, a very well done image all around. I would not change the shadows at all, they add debth and for what I can see cover no needed detail but excentuate the detail I do see.

  8. #8

    Re: World Trade Center NOLA, B & W

    Thanks Donald and Paul,
    It must just be me being nit-picky. I get that way now and

  9. #9
    Plumcrak's Avatar
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    Re: World Trade Center NOLA, B & W

    Carl, impressive image. I would not change a thing.

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