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Thread: Tourist Attraction (my first 3 HDR attemps)

  1. #1

    Tourist Attraction (my first 3 HDR attemps)

    This is a local business that takes folks to see the local swamps and wildlife. I just had to get out for a few snap shots and choose this location and thought this would be a good chance to try my hand at an HDR image. The last image is of a few camps, that people will live in the year round, peeking from the trees as that was the best angle I could get them at without getting into the water. All three images were bracketed shots and PP in LR4 & HDR EfexPro. I am not sure these were the best types of images for HDR. I don't think I went overboard on them but will let you all be the judge of that. My eyes sometimes fool me. Thanks for looking.

    Tourist Attraction (my first 3 HDR attemps)

    Tourist Attraction (my first 3 HDR attemps)

    Tourist Attraction (my first 3 HDR attemps)

  2. #2
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Tourist Attraction (my first 3 HDR attemps)

    I like #3; I don't know why, I just do.

  3. #3
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
    Wick, Caithness, Scotland.
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    Re: Tourist Attraction (my first 3 HDR attemps)

    Hi Carl

    Well didn't go overboard and i probably wouldn't have spotted it had ye not mentioned it.

    My difficulty with these shots is the very strong sunlight which kind of dazzles me.

  4. #4

    Re: Tourist Attraction (my first 3 HDR attemps)

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    I like #3; I don't know why, I just do.
    Thanks Steve,
    When I was a teenager my family had a floating boathouse on an 18 mile long by 1 1/2 mile wide lake (Old River) left there by the Mississippi River when it changed course. At times I would live on it for weeks. There is nothing like falling to sleep with the ripples from a gentle breeze lapping the pontoons. Oh and all the fishing a young boy could ever want.

  5. #5

    Re: Tourist Attraction (my first 3 HDR attemps)

    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy Mae View Post
    Hi Carl

    Well didn't go overboard and i probably wouldn't have spotted it had ye not mentioned it.

    My difficulty with these shots is the very strong sunlight which kind of dazzles me.
    Thanks Sharon,
    It was in the middle of the day when I got the "Urge" and thought that my 2 stop ND and PP could tame it down some, sorry. Well I will try to get out much earlier or later next time around.

  6. #6

    Re: Tourist Attraction (my first 3 HDR attemps)

    Here is another try with the first image in PP. If this is not any better I will have to go back early in the morning.

    Tourist Attraction (my first 3 HDR attemps)

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