Hi all,
This question is something that I’ve been thinking about, since speaking to another member who is not keen on carrying out any PP other than converting the file format from RAW to JPEG.
I fully respect someone who wants to keep their pictures as shot and certainly have no desire to try and change their views. But, what I was wondering was how many members would be happy / willing to post their work onto this site, without any sort of PP work, other than converting the file format?
Both my camera and PP skills are limited, but I feel the extra work I carry out in PP (I use Adobe Elements 9) does improve my pictures. However, could I or should I improve my camera technique, so that I do not need to PP my work? Is that possible, if I had a good set of lens, filters etc.
Would you post as shot?
I don’t know how to set up an automatic “poll”, like I’ve seen done in other threads, so I will just see what feedback I get.
Best wishes to you all.