I was testing my White Umbrella lights at home to check what kind of light output I was getting - 250W/6300 Lumen/3200K. Using my camera as the light meter, it appears I may be getting only around 5 lux (some ambient light was present and of course some loss due to lens absorption) with 2 of the above at equi distance on either side of the camera (@ 5ft).
Anyway, the real issue is that I appear to get an underexposed picture (2 stops) with my Nikon D5100/55-200mm DX lens set at around 180mm in Manual Mode/Spot/Single Point Auto Focus/Auto WB/No Flash/RAW. The below paper sheet (A4) was 5 feet from the camera (tripod) and the Meter was centered.. Setting to Matrix and moving the camera back 5 ft more also did not make a difference. Why does the camera meter show me centered when I need 2 more stops? Could it be due to the zoom lens set @180mm?
Aperture: F/6.3
Shutter Speed: 1/20s
Exposure Mode: Manual
Exposure Comp.: 0EV
Metering: Spot
ISO Sensitivity: ISO 100
I increased the ISO to 200 and added +1 EV:
Aperture: F/6.3
Shutter Speed: 1/20s
Exposure Mode: Manual
Exposure Comp.: +1.0EV
Metering: Spot
ISO Sensitivity: ISO 200
...and here adjusted for Contrast (Post Processing in Nikon View2) to be very close to the actual image. Why does Contrast also get impacted even after adjusting for Exposure?