Thanks to everyone who has advised me on photographing these ducks... This is my best shot, and probably is the best I can do with my camera...
A 4, Shutter speed 4000, iso 1250... You can still see some chromatic aberration but not much... The DXO program did not recognize my ancient tamron long lens, so I could not fix it. However, I used light-room to increase the exposure a wee bit (I think) and then Adobe colour curves default... and then in the 3rd edited photo I played with levels just a wee bit... I edited the raw version of the photo. I hit default in elements and then colour curves in the Photoshop program when I opened the raw photo.
here is the original photo which for some reason does not fit on the screen (jpeg original)
here it is adjusted for colour curves and dust spots with an orange filter to hide the chromatic aberrations
here it is after I moved the levels button on the far left side, a wee bit to the right
Is my editing improving the photo or not? Which edit is better the first or the second edit?
Thank you... Still learning and appreciative.