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Thread: BEST tutorial for beginning Photography!

  1. #1

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    BEST tutorial for beginning Photography!

    Hello, recently i found on a forum an answer to a question and a link. So i dug a little on that site and found very very very interesting information(on my taste, and i must say i'm very very very "picky").

    For all beginners! Pure GOLD.

    Hope there's no problem with the link.

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: BEST tutorial for beginning Photography!

    I'm sure it's almost as good as the tutorials available here on CiC!

    The link is fine Ana. It's always good to know of other sources of good quality information.

  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: BEST tutorial for beginning Photography!

    Hi Ana

    I had a look at the Nikon tutorial and it does look like a good basic overview to me. The CiC tutorilas are very good but they are more advanced and I can see that something like the Nikon one would be a good starting point for people new to DSLR's and who want assistance getting to know the basic things to look for.

    I think there are an awful lot of DSLR owners out there these days who put their cameras in auto and leave them there. (3 of my daughters to start with !!)


  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: BEST tutorial for beginning Photography!

    After reading all the CinC tutorials these might also be of interest

    I found that site useful when I first went digital a few years ago; and before discovering CinC.

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