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Thread: Sampaguita Flower Vendor.

  1. #1
    jiro's Avatar
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    Nov 2010
    Manila, Philippines
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    Willie or Jiro is fine by me.

    Sampaguita Flower Vendor.

    This is still a part of the images I took in Quiapo, Manila. Looking for interesting subjects to photograph, my desire led me to the side of the church. In here I saw this old woman arranging her Sampaguita flowers. Probably, the guy is a customer and wants to buy flowers from her. The Sampaguita is the national flower of the Philippines and is believed to originate in India. Known for its distinct sweet and heady fragrance, it is similar to jasmine. I believe it belongs to the jasmine genum. The flowers open up at night and withers in about a day. People who sells Sampaguita flowers collects them and arrange them like a garland. They sell it for about P20.00 Pesos (roughly about 50 US cents) for a small bundle.

    Sampaguita Flower Vendor.

    After I took this shot I thanked the old woman. The guy whom I thought was buying the flowers told me that she's her mom and he's helping her arrange the flowers before selling them. He was even very kind enough to let me take another shot with him and his mom together.

    Sampaguita Flower Vendor.

    Thank you very much for viewing.

    Nikon D70, Nikon 18-70mm lens, ISO 200, f/5.6 at 1/200 second.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: Sampaguita Flower Vendor.

    Hi Willie,

    Although you probably don't want to lose the 'ambience' of where these were shot, I can't help feeling a faster lens would help give a little focus separation of the subjects from the busy backgrounds - perhaps a 50/1.8 if you have it? (used at f/2.8)


  3. #3
    jiro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Manila, Philippines
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    Willie or Jiro is fine by me.

    Re: Sampaguita Flower Vendor.

    No can do, Dave. The 50mm lens was actually out for repair at the same area. I only have 2 lenses so I'm stuck as always with my trusty 18-70mm zoom.

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