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Thread: Another Question referring to the last one

  1. #1

    Another Question referring to the last one

    Will you loose a great deal in image size using a 70-300mm lens with a 60D?

  2. #2
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Another Question referring to the last one

    What do you mean?

    The “image size” will be the image size of the 60D sensor.

    You'll get a NARROWER Field of View, than what you would if you used the lens on a 5D (a 'Full Frame') camera and you ‘lose’ what you would have had on that full frame camera if you used a ‘full frame camera’ and then cropped out only the centre of that ‘full frame’ image – is this what you mean?


  3. #3

    Re: Another Question referring to the last one

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    What do you mean?

    The “image size” will be the image size of the 60D sensor.

    You'll get a NARROWER Field of View, than what you would if you used the lens on a 5D (a 'Full Frame') camera and you ‘lose’ what you would have had on that full frame camera if you used a ‘full frame camera’ and then cropped out only the centre of that ‘full frame’ image – is this what you mean?


  4. #4
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Another Question referring to the last one

    Quote Originally Posted by Carl in Louisiana View Post
    I do not understand.


  5. #5

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    Re: Another Question referring to the last one

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    I do not understand.

    I think he had a typo and forgot the Y in front of the Es

  6. #6

    Re: Another Question referring to the last one

    Sorry about the typo I did say or meant to say Yes.

  7. #7
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Another Question referring to the last one

    I think it is mistake to think in terms of "losing". At 300mm, that lens will give the same field of view on a 60D that a 480mm on a "full frame." With a sensor of a different size, the FOV would be something else. So what? Except for those of us who grew up shooting 35mm, this comparison is irrelevant for most people. What is important is how a given lens will perform on a 60D. Just pick the focal length that gives you the range and field of view that you want. 70-300 is a very useful range on a 60D. I use a 70-200 with a 50D, and I often carry a 1.4 teleconverter to extend it to 280mm. However, it all depends on the uses for which you want it.

  8. #8

    Re: Another Question referring to the last one

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    I think it is mistake to think in terms of "losing". At 300mm, that lens will give the same field of view on a 60D that a 480mm on a "full frame." With a sensor of a different size, the FOV would be something else. So what? Except for those of us who grew up shooting 35mm, this comparison is irrelevant for most people. What is important is how a given lens will perform on a 60D. Just pick the focal length that gives you the range and field of view that you want. 70-300 is a very useful range on a 60D. I use a 70-200 with a 50D, and I often carry a 1.4 teleconverter to extend it to 280mm. However, it all depends on the uses for which you want it.
    Thanks Dan,
    That helps explain it very well. I was a little skeptic about it at first. The lens gets some very good reviews across the board.

  9. #9
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Another Question referring to the last one

    Ah OK a typo, thanks that's obvious now I was trying to work out the capital "E"

    . . . as to the question:

    Also note that when you mount that EF Lens on the 60D you will only be using the best bit (the middle bit) of the image circle of the lens - which is also somewhat a benefit.

    As already mentioned - if the 70 to 300 on a 60D provides the telephoto reach and the zoom range you want - then the numbers or what you "gain or lose" are for practical terms - meaningless.


  10. #10

    Re: Another Question referring to the last one

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    Ah OK a typo, thanks that's obvious now I was trying to work out the capital "E"

    . . . as to the question:

    Also note that when you mount that EF Lens on the 60D you will only be using the best bit (the middle bit) of the image circle of the lens - which is also somewhat a benefit.

    As already mentioned - if the 70 to 300 on a 60D provides the telephoto reach and the zoom range you want - then the numbers or what you "gain or lose" are for practical terms - meaningless.

    Thank You Bill,

    Sorry for the confusion, I do it to myself sometimes and that Sir is a sight to be seen. I was a little concerned that the Raw file would be a great deal smaller and only leave me will a much smaller image in the end. And so now you see how I get myself into these messes.

  11. #11
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Another Question referring to the last one

    It was quite funny actually - I spent last night, in the back of my mind - trying to work out what for what photographic Term "Es" was an abrreviation . . .

  12. #12

    Re: Another Question referring to the last one

    HA! HA! Surely it's one of those things that you'll never figure out. Now every time you see Es my name will come to mind. I am not sure that is a good thing or bad....LOL

  13. #13
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Another Question referring to the last one

    Es it will

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