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Thread: Open Invitation - Take part in 'In Conversation with .....'

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Open Invitation - Take part in 'In Conversation with .....'

    Dear Everyone,

    The series of regular interviews with members of CiC is taking a little break over the (northern) summer / (southern) winter, mainly because I'm off on my holidays.

    But the purpose of this message is to invite you to take part in 'In conversation with ...'. Those whom I have invited to take part in the past have been wonderful. You can read all the previous interviews via the list here.

    But CiC is nothing if it's not an open forum for every member. So I would like every member to have the chance of saying they would like to take part. All you need to do is send me a Private Message (PM) saying so.

    After that:
    • I send you a link to the question template to download
    • You download and save it and then answer all the questions
    • Then you copy and paste that into a PM and send it to me.
    • I edit it and send it back to you for checking (and we keep doing this until you are absolutely happy with the content)
    • And then I store it ready for posting up onto the forum


    So, don't be shy. And please don't feel you need to wait to be asked.

    I'm away until July 11th and I hope when I get back there will be lots of PMs waiting for me.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North Carolina
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    Re: Open Invitation - Take part in 'In Conversation with .....'

    Enjoy your holiday! I look forward seeing some great images. Be safe

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