Nice work Bobo.
Love the last one, a bit different from the normal eyes wide owl photo you usually see.
Well done
Love the set especially the first one. =)
Yep it's a screech owl--cute!
like the top one for the light at the back of the head but not into animals so the rest is a bit flat light wise
Thanks Greg, Neil, Mary, Robert.
Robert - very hard to be picky with wildlife. Getting a backlit owl is pretty rare since they tend to stay more in the shadows during daytime, actually hardly visible most of the time.
If one does see a fantastically lit owl, 90% of the time it was taken in some wildlife refuge, or zoo.
While #1 may not be the greatest I am more than happy with it and very lucky to have found a good angle.
Last edited by Bobobird; 21st June 2012 at 05:15 PM.
Great find. Love the owls. Not much chance I'd be lucky enough to stumble on one. Great shots.
Hi Bobo
Can i be the first to say that I really like the second photo. I am by no position to judge the technical aspects of the shot but I thought I would explain why I like it so.
I looked at picture one, okay a nice picture of an owl. But when I looked at number two for a short moment I could not figure out what I was looking at, then I relaised it was the owl again. I LOVE the way the owl is almost camoflaged against the tree (maybe that I am in a bright room and the light shining on the laptop has added to the effect?). I then looked at the third image and then read the comments.
I then went back to the second photo and noticed something that I did not before. The owl is looking down presumably at the ground, and he (i have made a presumption that he is a he) has that wonderful look that all predators have when they have spotted something. I can imagine that shortly after he swooped down and caught a mouse or other rodent.
Just my view, but I enjoyed picture number two.
Thanks again Robert.
Thanks Cheryl. Not easy but not that difficult either. I have posted some tips in the Owlets thread.
Thanks Darren - you have repeated exactly what went through my mind when deciding how to present this shot. Except that bit aobut spotting something -- that was me he spotted.But I do like how it looks like with people wearing bifocals and always peering over the edge of the specs.