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Thread: A big hello from Norway

  1. #1
    Kittelsaa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Trondheim, Norway
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    A big hello from Norway

    Hello all!

    My name is Kristian, but everybody call me Tittan (note the double t in the middle). I am 37 years old, and still young at heart. My passion for photography lead me to classes at Fotofagskolen ( - in Norwegian, sorry), and a job for a Norwegian chain of photography studios. Unfortunately the chain went bancrupt only 7 months after I started there, so now I work in my own studio here in Trondheim, Norway.

    As you might have figured out, I'm mostly doing studio photography. Kids and weddings pay my rent, while artistic nude and fantasy-slash-zombie-slash-weird-and-scary photography makes me happy. I started out doing landscapes though, and still enjoy a quiet sunrise with my camera on a tripod. To bad life tends to get in the way.

    I'm an anarchistic punk-rocker by heart, having played the drums in such bands since the late 80's. I have almost 20 years of martial arts under my belt, and my latest hobby is being head ref of the local roller derby league.

    The last thing I should add is that I'm notoriously bad at updating my website, so it never show my latest work. I know, shame on me...

    Anyway, glad to meet you, and I hope we'll get along like old friends in no time

  2. #2
    gregj1763's Avatar
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    Launceston Tasmania
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    Re: A big hello from Norway

    Hi Tittan, Welcome to CiC,
    Cant wait to see some of your more unusual photography that makes you happy.
    Cheers, Greg

  3. #3
    Kittelsaa's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    Trondheim, Norway
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    Re: A big hello from Norway

    Thank you for the welcome Greg

    I will post some of my unusual photography soon, as I have a friend who's specialized in "gore/horror" makeup. We'll do a shoot real soon now

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