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Thread: Understanding the Exposure Triangle

  1. #1
    eNo's Avatar
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    Understanding the Exposure Triangle

    Over the next few days, I'll be posting a few articles about exposure and metering. Check out the first installment.

    This is probably nothing new to a lot of people here, but I thought it might be useful to capture all the great information I've come across here and elsewhere in one spot. If you can drop by and post comments, suggestions and/or questions, I'd appreciate it.

  2. #2

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    Re: Understanding the Exposure Triangle

    Quote Originally Posted by eNo View Post
    Over the next few days, I'll be posting a few articles about exposure and metering. Check out the first installment.
    Looked good to me

  3. #3
    JK6065's Avatar
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    Re: Understanding the Exposure Triangle

    It all sound familiar but it is very usefull to have it al together in very clear language.
    Good job you did there

  4. #4
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Understanding the Exposure Triangle

    Quote Originally Posted by eNo View Post
    Over the next few days, I'll be posting a few articles about exposure and metering. Check out the first instalmentsuggestions and/or questions, I'd appreciate it.
    It seems you want to build on this and will introduce other topics. If this is the case, and you intend to discuss DoF, you might consider rephrasing to state that Aperture is ”one of the elements” which determines Depth of Field.


  5. #5
    eNo's Avatar
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    Re: Understanding the Exposure Triangle

    Good suggestion, William. Distance between subject and background and how close the camera is to the subject are two other drivers for DOF, so I'll definitely clean up the language.

  6. #6
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Understanding the Exposure Triangle

    Quote Originally Posted by eNo View Post
    Distance between subject and background and how close the camera is to the subject are two other drivers for DOF, so I'll definitely clean up the language.

    If I understand your objective correctly you want to build a blog containing an easy and non technical read, which is applicable for General Photography . . .

    If that assumption is correct, I think there are three features you might consider mentioning that define Depth of Field:

    1. The Aperture used.

    2. The Focussed Distance (i.e. the Distance from the Camera to the Main Subject in sharp focus).

    3. The Focal Length of the Lens.


    If you do want to keep it simple and an easy read, you should be prepared and have a protocol to handle comments from those who might want to extend your script to a more all encompassing article including all the determinates of DoF, including, Circle of Confusion, Camera Format (Negative / Sensor Size), Variances for Macro Photography, Viewing Distance and Use of Final Product . . . etc.

    Perhaps a General Introduction outlining your Purpose, might be a good idea.

    I think also, the Photographs you include, showing what the text is describing, is a good idea.

    Good luck with it.


  7. #7
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Re: Understanding the Exposure Triangle

    Thank you eNo. I've read the first two...I don't know if there's a third yet. It's basic but importantly, it's understandable....a good resource for someone fairly new to digital photography (or film photography for that matter). I wasn't familiar with the term "Exposure Triangle" and that's a good "handle" for the subject. The photographic examples with your narrative is also good. I will recommend your articles to someone trying to understand exposure control. You could have made the material complex and "techy" but you made it useful to to the new photographer and a good refresher for those of us who have been at it for a while.


  8. #8
    eNo's Avatar
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    Re: Understanding the Exposure Triangle

    Thanks, Chuck. The term "exposure triangle" is used by Bryan Peterson, who also calls the meter "the heart of the triangle." Check out his book "Understanding Exposure" for a very hands-on, practical treatment of the subject. I hope my blogs can measure up or at least complement his explanations.

  9. #9
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Understanding the Exposure Triangle

    Good on you, eNo. A perfect place for us non-teachers to send our new-to-photography friends who complain that they can't understand our incoherent ramblings as we try to explain.

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