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Thread: A visiting juvenile bald eagle

  1. #1
    Trina's Avatar
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    A visiting juvenile bald eagle

    I looked out in the field one day and saw this young fella/gall sitting in the tree. Over several days I got quite a few shots of it... the first two were kind of interesting because of the little hummer that was checking it out and then apparently decided it did not want any of that big bird.

    A visiting juvenile bald eagle
    A visiting juvenile bald eagle
    this was the second night it came around
    A visiting juvenile bald eagle
    A visiting juvenile bald eagle

    I was so jazzed that I was able to capture this young bird... totally made my day...or should say days... came around for 3 days...bout wore my camera out taking pictures and it didn't seem to mind being photographed.

  2. #2
    kdoc856's Avatar
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    Re: A visiting juvenile bald eagle

    Thanks for sharing these, Trina. We just discovered a nesting pair close to our lakeside cabin and I'm hoping to get some shots like these

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: A visiting juvenile bald eagle

    Nice series Trina,

    I also especially like the first two with the hummer

    Don't think I have said this yet, so; Welcome to the CiC forums from ....

  4. #4

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    Re: A visiting juvenile bald eagle

    Nice! Do you know if juveniles hang around the same area as its parents, and for how long/old?
    I am on a lake campground with 2 adult eagles. I see another bird similar to this or maybe it's a Golden Eagle?

  5. #5
    terrib's Avatar
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    Re: A visiting juvenile bald eagle

    I love that you caught these with the hummer there too. Great shots!

  6. #6
    Trina's Avatar
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    Re: A visiting juvenile bald eagle

    Thank you for the welcome and comments...Nancy I don't really know if they stay around their parents... I do know that it takes 3 to 5 years before they are solid brown with the white heads...somewhere around maturity they get their grownup plumage:> Probably at that point they have to find their own neck of the woods to live in.

  7. #7
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: A visiting juvenile bald eagle

    Nice shots Trina. Those little Hummers can be pretty brave. I have seen the buzz past at bullet speed when there spot on the tree is stolen. The young do hang out around the adults. The do start to nest on their on fairly quick but the young watch and learn from the adults and hunt the same areas. On occasion you will get to see an adult run the juvinile off. They will claw fight while flying. If you are lucky you will get to see one steal the others fish.

    Trina is right, 3-5 yrs and you can see the white head appearing....however it is around 8 yrs to be full color and mature if I remember right.

  8. #8

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    Re: A visiting juvenile bald eagle

    How lucky can one get with them right in the backyard....
    I need to do a 10 hours round trip with no guarantee of seeing even one.

    Neat shots. You could try getting closer and see how they react. I find that the young birds tend to be a bit more tolerant.

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