This type of thing is not for everyone, but I had some friends that wanted me to do this for them. If anybody is interested, I posted the directions.
Tutorial, I use Adobe PS CS5
Open two (unlocked) copies of your image. Label one background layer, one named Layer two. On layer two, use the rectangular Marquee tool to make a selection of your image that you want to remain the same. Copy and paste your selection and name that layer "Selection" Right click on "Selection" Layer, click on Blending Options, check Stroke, and highlight the word Stroke, it brings up a box with Structure: choose a color to use for your outline, play with size, decide if you want it OUTSIDE or INSIDE (the edges will vary for these, I use INSIDE) and play with OPACITY to your liking. Click OK. Highlight Layer 2, click up top onto FILTER: Filter Gallery: Colored Pencil. Play with the sliders until you see what you like. OR you can try any of the other filters. Have fun with filters!! Click OK. Now you can highlight the Background layer, and crop the whole image of you want, I usually crop it.....Now go up top to IMAGE: Canvas Size: check Relative: click on the center of the Anchor, and put a number into the width and height, I put in 1 inch and 1 inch. Click Ok. Now you have a blank border, go to Paint bucket tool, choose the top color to match your inner frame or any color you want....and click the Paint bucket tool into the blank frame. That's basically how I did it.
On the OOB one, I did the same, but made the inside frame white, and opacity full opaque. Then I selected and copied the feet and front of the boat from the background layer and pasted it in a layer above the Selection layer. Now choose the selection layer and click on EDIT (at top) Transform: choose WARP and play with your frame to get a warped photo print look.